Late Morning Daze

Aug 26, 2003 09:54

So here goes the rest of the year I guess. It kind of seems like this whole college thing is just like highschol all over again. I have atleast one John Harsmark and one Raeanna Snyder in each of my classes. Bummer. Mondays are nice because my brain doesn't really have to start working untill 3..and that's just swell by me. I had to spend ( Read more... )

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anonymous August 31 2003, 22:32:42 UTC
but how many are unfortunate to have atleast on cy brown in each class


Learn to spell! publius_aelius September 1 2003, 05:55:12 UTC
One Cy Brown reading the texts regularly, and responding orally and in writing with all his faculties focused on the course, rather than on "love affairs" is worth a whole room full of Rae Annas and such riff-raff. The tragedy is that he doesn't realize that there are intellectual adventures for him to embark upon, that are potentially as significant and decisive as the Charlottes and the Besses of the world. We who love him for HIMSELF, and not his Lothario-like qualities are waiting for him to realize it! But when he's in top form, NOBODY makes more valuable contributions.


Re: Learn to spell! anonymous September 1 2003, 08:07:55 UTC
At least he's not 50 and lonly.


Re: Learn to spell! publius_aelius September 1 2003, 09:58:06 UTC
Even were I lonly (sic.)--which I most definitely am not--t'would be better than being "wifed" with the WRONG wife, desperate to make ends meet, and too committed to drudgery to have an intellectual or imaginative life--the prospects most of you, who have bought into the glamourized and romanticized idols of this tawdry culture, are going to face. Also, I'm not fifty, yet. And my gratifications are worth waiting for and disciplining myself for--until I'm 80, if need be. Most of you are ready to retire NOW. And that, by the way, is the observation of one of your friends, who'd like to tell it to Cy and his cohorts but is biding his time. I'll jump the gun, because I think he needs to know it NOW, and I think the role of a true friend is to speak his true mind--which the other individual, will, I'm sure, do eventually.


Re: Learn to spell! anonymous September 2 2003, 14:30:17 UTC
Heaven forbid you actually think you are in love Cy. No. as our friend Digbydolben here points out, a relationship with a girl of the same age as yourself is nothing more than a "uxurious malaise". Now, obsessing over (and forcing yourself into) the life of a young boy (mature as he may be, he is still highly influencable) while in your middle ages is by far the healthier of relationships. You can still manage to run away from a happy relationship, live out half of your life unhappy and alone, and then seriously fuck up some "young adults" perspectives on the world. Go for it.


Re: Learn to spell! publius_aelius September 2 2003, 15:24:11 UTC
The "perspective" on the world of John Michael Kuchta--the "young boy," I assume you're speaking of--is SO much healthier than that of some sleazy lurker who anonymously posts calumnies on this thing. I will refrain from assigning myself all credit for how happily things have turned out for him, but I certainly participated--as he and all his friends will attest. Definitely a commitment to a contemporary of the opposite sex is a highly desirable thing, whenever it is balanced out by a fulfillment of all the other promises life holds.My young friend in Massachusetts wants--and, I predict, will have that very thing--and I encourage him to strive for it, and sacrifice for it. Any commitment, however, can become so obsessive, apparently, that it crowds everything else out. My commitment to John Michael--which remains, which has grown stronger, and which has been welcomed, recently, by his father, never became such: it was only maligned as such by the lying administrators of a highly dysfunctional school. I am immensely proud of that ( ... )


BRUCE>>>>>READ THIS>>>>>>> mymaria September 2 2003, 19:37:11 UTC
When I was young and in Texas, I used to annoy my sister a lot. I would do it because I knew I could get a rise out of her. Then, one day she learned if she quit reacting, I would quit bugging her. And that was that. Moral of the story: THIS SHIT IS GETTING OLD AND MAKING LIVEJOURNAL SUCK ( ... )


Re: BRUCE>>>>>READ THIS>>>>>>> publius_aelius September 2 2003, 21:10:19 UTC
You are a gentleman. You are a profoundly decent human being, and you must not allow anybody from your past life to tell you differently. That, in a nutshell, is all I wanted to offer: the advice that you put behind you the negative carping that has, on many occasions, dogged your footsteps at Orme. But this post alone tells me that you're much further along on the road to peace and fulfillment than I had thought ( ... )


Re: BRUCE>>>>>READ THIS>>>>>>> mymaria September 2 2003, 21:37:53 UTC


Re: BRUCE>>>>>READ THIS>>>>>>> publius_aelius September 2 2003, 21:44:54 UTC
And I'd like to ask all the rest of you folks a question: can't you see how the ability to admit you've made a mistake, or even been cruel, and ask for forgiveness, ENNOBLES AND LIBERATES? I, for my part, want to apologize to Cy, Bess and Charlotte, but I do have to say, in all truth, that I think you're asking far less of yourselves than you might, and that I attribute this to having lived so long in a degenerate, dysfunctional institution which never tries to build community, or to make you aware of the mutual responsiibilities entailed in such a project. In a COMMUNITY, one DOES NOT read other people's journals, even if they're lying around. In a COMMUNITY, one DOES NOT brush off a gift-offering, farewell-saying friend to run off to canoodle--especially when one can do that anytime. In a COMMUNITY, one DOES NOT display for others the confidences one's friend has entrusted to one in a weary moment of desperate entreaty. In a COMMUNITY one does not fail to stand by his relatively innocent friend when he's being scapegoated for ( ... )


Re: BRUCE>>>>>READ THIS>>>>>>> publius_aelius September 2 2003, 21:53:52 UTC and work there. Perhaps George Richardson said it best, to Frank Roberts (the Board Chair) when he asked George if he thought I should go back there. George replied that he thought I was too good a teacher for his school, as it was presently constituted, and that no, I shouldn't be back there. Enough said.


Re: BRUCE>>>>>READ THIS>>>>>>> zephus September 4 2003, 21:36:52 UTC
honestly, you are a sad little man.


Re: BRUCE>>>>>READ THIS>>>>>>> publius_aelius September 5 2003, 05:47:17 UTC
Far, far better to be a "sad little man" than one of you relentlessly egotistical, selfiish little ingrates. I'm SO glad I'm done with the planatation and its subjects.


Re: BRUCE>>>>>READ THIS>>>>>>> grassygrass September 3 2003, 12:20:58 UTC
bruce i am not sure what your getting at with your apology. i would rather you not group me with whatever opinion you have of cy and charlottes ambitions. i am an absolute seperate entity, and i am rather liking it, despite the forceful jolt i got. I don't talk to them, i don't know them, so i don't see how anything i do is related to them.

I'll say good day


Where am I in this? woyzek September 4 2003, 13:01:40 UTC
Bruce, I actually find myself a bit insulted. Do you think me incapaple of actually having a true healthy interrealationship. Pherhaps it's my somewhat utilitarian view, but to me, being in a good, healthy, (mentally) stimulating and mutual monogomous relationship is equally rewarding, morally and intelectually, as being by myself. You make is seem as if I am the "swine" searching only for the lesser bodily pleasures in life, ruled more by my hormones than by my better judgement. I assure you that niether Charlotte nor I would be in this relationship if the only reward were sexual satisfaction. I am at a point in which I am emotionaly healthy and I feel that I am fulfilling my full potential. You are making assumptions that I am spending all my time with the one I love, that I am not doing my readings and using my intelllect. You are also making judgements about my love life based on what my "cohorts" are telling you. Pherhaps it would be wise to talk to me about it, get a better perspective on what is happening in my life. I ( ... )


Re: Where am I in this? publius_aelius September 4 2003, 15:45:14 UTC
To answer the question in the header: only You can say where you are "in this." And you're obviously not interested in explaining it to me, as you seem to have taken me off your Friends List some time ago. Perhaps, then, you should explain it to all the friends whom you've offended in the past few months: explain it to the one who came, gift in hand, to say goodbye to you, to whose plea that you spend a FEW minutes of leave-taking with him, rather than rush off to "canoodle" again, you responded "Oh, you'll be ok": explain it to the one whose private journal you proceeded to read with your inamorata; explain it to the childhood friend whose distrwraught confidences you proceeded to once again broadcast to an apartment-full of critics. Whatever has happened to you in the last few months, I don't like it: it has turned you into a heartless cad, not the person I thought I had such tremendous affection for on the plantation--and, yes, I do blame the relationship with Charlotte, because I don't know what else to blame. For me, the ( ... )


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