Dec 03, 2004 00:46
i think people worry too much about what other people do in their private lives and personally i cant stand it when people say that they are straightedge. i mean people always say its your life and you suffer the concequences but when people make the decison to do drugs then people that dont make the same decsion belittle them. i think that is so rude. what gives you the right to tell another person that the way they live is wrong? especially since each and every one of us has something wrong with the way we it procrastination, swearing, religion or lack there of, fighting, tattos, etc. some people think tattoos are wrong. they think that is destroying your body. no one is freaking out about that and claiming non-tattoo edge. i think people need to just say no thanks if offered something they dont want to consume and let that be the end of it. no snide remarks about how the person is ruining their life and their body. as long as no innocent bystanders are getting hurt (from drunk driving or something) then leave these people alone. no wonder they hate straight-edge people so much. you hated it when your parents and teachers tried to tell you how to live but yet you do the same thing to these people. its like someone picking your classes for you. or picking your clothes out everyday. this country is about freedom and no stupid kids need to take it upon themselves to upset other people rights by ridiculing them. let these people discover for themselves the effects drugs will have on their lives. especially since most of the straightedge community have never even tried them. if the drug user feels that the drug is harming them then they can stop on their own. i do not agree with drug abuse, i feel there is a problem there but if your occasionally smoking pot or something then by god just shut up and let the person enjoy the herb.