Be brave.

Feb 28, 2009 02:56

I pretty much spent all evening doing this after I got home from college, so have had no time to do anything including checking the flist. I will catch up tomorrow ;)

So, if you want to read my actual lengthy thoughts on the ep go here. I can't be bothered to retype it and the picspam is going to be mainly ridiculous squeeing ;)


Poor thing. But she's so pretty! And seriously, what was with the pub quiz scenes last week? They make even less sense now, they're acting like Naomi's been avoiding her since the party.

Emily: Naomi! Hey.

Poor Ems, again. I love all the nudging.

Naomi: You've gotta be joking. I'm not gonna help run this place.
Emily: I don't get it, why not? You really care about this stuff.
Naomi: What stuff?
Emily: Equality, environmentalism, feminism. I-don't-ever-want-to-shut-my-mouthism.
Naomi: Great. You're making me sound great.
Emily: Come on, come on, you know about politics, you're always talking about it.
Naomi: Emily, we've had about three conversations our entire lives, so the idea that you know I'm always talking about anything is a bit ridiculous.
Emily: Ok.
Cook: Morning ladies. Ah, love is all around.

Naomi was such a bitch here, I just wanted to hug Emily for being all supportive and encouraging. And she clearly know you better than you thiiink Naomi!

Naomi: How did you get in here?
Emily: This weird guy let me in. Looks a bit like Jesus.
Naomi: Yeah. It's like a game of Christ-themed Guess Who in this house. What do you want?
Emily: I wanted to give you this.
Naomi: You're very annoying.
Emily: Yeah, well, you seem to inspire it in me.
Naomi: Jinx.
Emily: You're gonna run, great. I'll help with the form.
Naomi: No, Emily. I don't need any help.
Emily: Right, ok, well, see you.

I love the little annoying exchange, hee.

Emily: Just so you know, my first thought when I see you is not 'I want to fuck that girl.'
Naomi: No, I..
Emily: We've kissed, twice. It was nice. But it's also nice just being with you. When you're not being a prick that is.
Naomi: Thanks.
Emily: You should run for president because I think you'd be good at it. It's that simple, ok.
Naomi: Ok, and you should.. stay.
Emily: Thanks, I will.

Aw, I was so proud of her in this scene! I'm glad she stuck up for herself and didn't just let Naomi constantly brush her off.

Emily: I can just see it now, in lights.. 'Naomi; Get to Know Me'
Naomi: I thought it was quite catchy.
Emily: Yeah, well, so's AIDS.
Naomi: Do you think I can do it?
Emily: I think you can do anything.
Naomi: Really? I've been wondering. What do lesbians.. do? I mean, in bed.
Emily: I know what you mean! How would I know?
Naomi: You've never..?
Emily: No, I've never!
Naomi: I mean, is it all brogues and strap-ons?
Emily: No! I don't know, we just.. do what we do to ourselves, only to each other, probably slightly more aggressively. And with, you know.. oils and stuff.
[both giggle]
Naomi: Oils, eh?
Emily: Yeah, and stuff. [giggles]
Naomi: Oils.
Emily: Yeah, lots of it. Oils.
Naomi: Where do you put it, oils?
Emily: On salad.

Omg this sceeeene! I just about died. They're so adorable and giggly and amazing. And all the eyesex and cuteness, and Naomi being the one to bring up what lesbians do in bed, heh. And Emily's "I think you can do anything" ♥ also the way Kat says "On salad" at the end totally kills me, I think I've watched it too many times, haha.

Naomi: Fuck's sake. What are you doing?

HAIR STROKING. Seriously one of the sweetest parts of the episode. She just did it unconsciously before she was even really aware she was doing it. So cute. And I love the thought of them sleeping together all night, aw.

Emily: Hi.
Naomi: Hi.
Emily: You left pretty early.
Naomi: I had uh.. things to do, you know.
Emily: Well, I met your mum.
Naomi: Did you?
Emily: She's nice.
Naomi: She's a cliche.
Emily: She's a nice cliche.
Naomi: Is she? Emily, look..
Emily: I meant to tell you, I made these in anticipation. Cool huh? I got the message, Naomi. I'll manage. But there is one thing though. Well, you can't let him win now can you?

They're both so gorgeous in this scene, and the flyer makes me giggle When did she make that?! She was obviously very confident she'd give in if she did them before she even took the form round to her house, hee.


Emily: Cook, any chance you could be a cunt over there do you think?
Naomi: Emily..
Cook: Aw, that's nice. You getting your girlfriend to hold your hand? A little moral support, yeah? Sweet, innit?
Naomi: No.. Fuck.
Emily: Naomi, Naomi.. Naomi wait, I'm sorry.
Naomi: Just leave me alone!

Love for Emily once again telling it like it is, haha. Poor Naomi though. Cook is a dick.

Lily was so good in this scene. And the note! So cute, and how she unscrews it again and looks at it ♥

Naomi: Can we go somewhere? Anywhere.

She slept with the note!!

So gorgeously shot. They're just too cute.

Naomi: Wow, it's lovely. It's a lovely place.
Emily: It's one of my favourites.
Naomi: I didn't bring a swimming costume.
Emily: Neither did I. Sun won't shine forever.
Naomi: Someone might be looking!
Emily: Honey, your body aint that special.
Naomi: Don't look, ok?
Emily: Fine.
[Doesn't even bother to hide perving]
Naomi: I said don't look!
Emily: I wasn't looking!
Naomi: You were looking, so pervy!
Emily: I wasn't looking!

Such a pretty scene! I love how Em is just blatantly checking her out and Naomi totally loves it. And they said in the bts vid that there was an actual scene in the lake that they never shot because of Kat basically going into hypothermic shock, heh. And I sooo want to know what the scene would have been!

Naomi: You alright Em? Hello? Hellooo, you deaf or what?
Emily: You know, that's the first time you've asked me something.
Naomi: What, today?
Emily: Ever.
Naomi: Well answer it then. You alright?
Emily: No. I'm having the worst time of my life. The weather's shit, the company's even worse.
Naomi: [I have no idea what word she replies to that with]
Emily: It's peaceful.
Naomi: Yeah.

Hand holding makes me so happyyyy! Naomi's smile while looking at their hands makes me even happier.

Emily: Do you wanna do blowbacks?
Naomi: I never got blowbacks. Why can't people just smoke the damn thing straight.
Emily: It's fun. Have you even tried it?
Naomi: No. But being all seeing, I already know it's shit.
Emily: Come on, everything once.
Naomi: Oh fuck it, go ahead and disappoint me.

I LOVE THIS BIT SO MUCH. Naomi's little smile after she's winding Em up and Emily's smile in respose. They're just adorable, guys.

So so pretty. The way Naomi's looking at her before she does it kinda kills me. And Kat's shaking a bit throughout the whole lake scene, probably because she was freezing her ass off but I like to think it's Emily being nervous. Which makes it even more adorable.

Go for it Naomi! Once again with the pretty.

Possibly my favourite group of caps from the whole episode. I really do have a thing for close-up kisses like this, and also for caps of kisses where their mouths are just apart/almost touching. So this is basically perfection, and by one of the prettiest kisses to ever exist. Fact!

NECK KISSING NECK KISSING. I was incoherant by this point.

Naomi: Say something.
Emily: I'm all about experiments me.

Those first caps are so ridiculously gorgeous! Naomi's smile and Emily's expression. And hello, undressing. They must have been really, really cold out there though.

Once again with the pretty! And hi again, Emily tongue! I'm just going to let the next bunch of caps go uninterrupted.

SO MUCH NAKEDNESS! I can't even put the hotness of all of this into words. Amaaazing. And yes, 10 caps of Naomi's face at the end was completely necessary. Emily must be real good at that :D

Emily: Twice. You're going to do this to me twice. Naomi, no, you fucking.. stop right now! Don't you dare leave me in your bed again.
Naomi: I've got to go.
Emily: I know you Naomi, I know you're lonely. I think you need someone to want you. Well, I do want you! So be brave, and want me back.

Oh Emily :( wanted to give her a hug again. And then I wanted to hug Naomi. And then I wanted them to just hug each other. I love the last line so much.

Gina: You know, your dad turned out to be a shitty little prick and it was all a little bit rubbish. Until you made my life complete. And actually rather fucking wonderful.
Naomi: I did that?
Gina: I wasn't expecting it. The people who make us happy are never the people you expect. So when you find someone, you've got to cherish it.

Aw, so sweet. I do love a bit of mummy/daughter bonding, and when that leads to Em/Naomi bonding, even better.

Emily: I'm not gonna open the door. My face is all puffy. I've been.. crying a bit.
Naomi: I don't care. I do want someone, need someone. You were right.
Emily: And?
Naomi: And.. when I'm with you, I feel like I'm a better person. I feel happier.. less alone. Less lonely.
[Emily holds her hand through the catflap]
Naomi: But it's not as simple as that, is it, being with someone.
Emily: Isn't it?
Naomi: No. I mean, I don't know. I mean, I don't think so. I mean... can't we just sit like this? For a bit.
Emily: Yeah, we can. For a bit.

Gah, such perfection. Love that Naomi finally went to her and opened up, and the line about her feeling happier and like a better person when she's with her ♥ and hand holding through the catflap! So stupidly adorable. I'm also really glad that from Em's "..For a bit." at the end, it seems like she isn't going to just let Naomi walk all over again. That they can just sit like this for now but she's going to need to know she isn't going to flake out on her again.

I just.. love them!

ship: emily/naomi, picspam, tv: skins

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