(no subject)

Sep 08, 2006 12:21

So, I thought I could update this for a change... Um, I dunno, I'm in Edmonton, its boring kinda because I want to be with my friends, there are some things that only certain people can appreciate that I want to tell them, but they aren't here :( I miss everyone, it was really nice to see Kim when she came, we had lotsa laughs, but she made me even more sad to be away from everyone. I really miss Mike and Tyler, I really should call them sometime, I want to have really long stupid funny silly disturbing convos with them, plus I want to go dancing with them, those were the greatest times... now I've depressed myself. Oh, and my mom is even farther away than she usually is, she is off for 3 weeks to Europe on a cruise, that lucky butt, I'm jealous, also sad because that means she can't talk to me for all that time. She gives me advice when I'm not sure, I am so independant here, I think I'm over whelmed because I used to have people to go do things with, and help me make decisions, and let me lean on them when I was feeling down. Now I go out alone, make decisions on my own (and who knows if they are the right ones), I'm a little more aware that the world is out there and its not always the nicest... but I know I'll pull through. I've made some friends at work, we're supposed to go out to the bar saturday, country dancing, Shaun even said he'd come to the bar... I'm kinda excited, but not, they still aren't the people I want them to be, but I will give them an unbiased shot hopefully. Um, oh yeah, and I hope me and Jess can hang out more often now, its different because we are both so different now, but we'll figure it out cause we are both so awesome, lol. Um, I went for another interview with Dell, they are stupidly long crazy interviews, I've already wasted like 4 hours of my life on this and I don't even know how much they pay, what the job is, and if they want to hire, its silliness. Well, I have to get going to work, I like the people and the work... and the cowboys, tee hee, I'm not sure if I mentioned this in my last journal, but I work at Lammle's Western Wear. I get 50% off there, booyeah, lol. Ok, well, I miss you guys in Winnipeg, I hope that is being sent telepathically to people who aren't on this as well. I wonder if people think of me as much as I think of them, probably not.
Bye, I'm off to try and make a whole new life that was as good as my old one (said with a half smile and heavy heart) -Amy
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