Feb 22, 2011 10:10
Dear Everyone,
I am 9 months pregnant, how the hell do you think I feel?
Yes. I'm getting close. I'm aware of this. I don't need you to remind me every time you see me.
Please stop looking surprised when I show up to class.
The baby isn't going to be born tomorrow. Don't panic because I leaned forward to rest my head on my hands, I was trying to breathe and stretch my back out at the same time.
I look "ripe"??? WTF is that supposed to mean?
No we don't have a name yet, quit asking.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (angry scream)
tales of being knocked up,
letters of annoyance