Dec 03, 2005 22:41

YAY its almost Christmas!! I loove Christmas.. even tho this year christmas is pretty much mom is in like full out bitch dad.. ass as always..and hates me even more then normal.. yeah.. didnt think that was possible.. oh well.. my parents are offically gettin a divorce as of this morning..which is a good thing.. but for some reason after they like offically signed it.. i got in this terrible i really think im goin to miss him.. i dont like change.. and i dont do well with it at all.. so this def. sucks big time.. oh well.. i guess life goes on.. it would be way sweet if i could just like fast forward thru like the next umm 5 years or so.. lol basically im startin to agree with the saying.. life is a bitch, then you die.. which is really not me at all..everything is changing.. and i HATE it.. grr..too bad complaining or crying doesn't change anything... so yeah.. the whole everything happens for a reason.. im gonna need some reasons..cause im begining to not realize them at all.. ugh...

so last week went by really fast.. thanksgiving break was alot of i became an angel fish!!  yay score for me... the best part.. i got to hang out with brendan a lot... i was sick like the whole break.. and still kinda am.. which was absolutely terrible timing..oh well.. still got to spend time with him.. which is always a good thing..played a lil super smash brothers lol i have yet to beat someone in that game.. haha o of those skills i kinda lack.. im over it tho.. lol i could def. spend the rest of my life just layin next to him and be the happiest person ever.. cause for some reason just layin with him.. makes everything else go away..and i feel so safe, and everything just feels right..its kinda unexplainable.. but i love it...

so yeah basically i need reasons for things that are happing.. cause im goin crazy.. i dont like bein in a bad mood at all.. its not me.. and i hate it..

only 23 days till Chirstmas!! yay  *MuAh*
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