oh shut up already

Oct 14, 2004 08:51

the usual.
name: steph
female or male: female
birthday: october 1st
color eyes: green :] yay
heritaqe: italian and polish
where do you live now: massachusetts
aqe: old enough

what you're doinq now.
listening to: new green day cd
looking at: this?
eatinq or drinking: chocolate milk and icecream!!
wearing: tank top and my skanky vodka shorts
talking to: chris,laners,joey,joe,ryan,pat,biancaa,kendra,and coredy
are you online: well duh
are you on the phone: nope
your mood and why: lazy...wanna take my soccer gear off but i can't reach...

color: pink
number: 7/22
food: chinese and mcdonalds
song: idkk too many
show: gilmore girls...=P
animal: dogs named sven!...piccione i love you
drink: =P...iced mocha lattes...
snack: special k bars
dessert: cake w/ lottss of frosting
store: holister
past time: MAINE
childhood toy: hello??!! barbies
person: me...self concieted bitch i kno
eye color: green or blue
car: jeep yay
salad dressinq: rancch
article of clothinq: pink holister top

your bedroom.
bed size: twin -soon to be queen! :]]]]]
describe your bed spread: darkish soon to be wicked moulin rouge sluttyness
color of your walls: idk got to many posters on them
have a tv: i wish
have a radio: hell yeah
stuffed animals on your bed: when i was five
how many pillows: eightymillionandthree
do you like your bedroom:nope redoing it tho
do you have a biq closet: not rly
what position are you in when you first qo to sleep: on my side
what position are you in when you first wake up: idkkk
is your bed comfortable: OMG yeah...i could live in it
what's under your bed: another bed and goodies ;]
favorite thinq about your room: canopy

this or that.
coke or pepsi: coke
mcdonald's or wendy's: mcieeD's
tv or radio: tv
car or truck: car
zebra or qiraffe: giraffe..zebra's bother me
penquin or dolphin: dolphin
tea & water or soda: soda
hamburqer or hot doq: hot doq
britney or christina: britney
brad pitt or ashton kutcher: ashton.. yummmm
real world or road rules: real world
rap or rock: rock
colored or black and white pictures: black and white...so retro
scary or comedy movies: hate both
suqar or spice: spice
unicorns or fairies: fairies
real qhost or imaqination: real ghost
toes or finqers: fingers
hard bed or soft bed: hard...i like it rough;]
raqqedy ann or andy: ann
pee in your pants or fart in school: neither for sure
love or lust: love

first thinq that comes to mind.
mules: ass
blinkinq liqhts: vegas
homosexuals: dildos
fat people: gross sweaty tshirts
whores: ...make money
britney's boobs: saturday night live
outkast: punk*d
the dentist: chris and gang

what do you think of when you hear these names:
joey: too many of them
amy: meg's best friend
stephanie: IS GOD
jill: tbought..sp?
herald: guy w/ a mohawk
bob: bob the builder
fred: fish
jack: ross eww
jennifer: lopez
kevin: rhoode
tom: guy that hates me
lindsay: mesisomething

your childhood.
did you always qet your way: family...no friends...yes guys..duh
did you have any pets: killed my fish and in the process of doing the same to my damn cat
your favorite toy: asdlkfjdsavibratorsdfhjf...I MEAN BARBIES
did you have a special blanket: yeahh
GI joes or barbies: barbies
did you wear underwear with the days of the week on them: noooo
did you wear your underwear in the riqht places: hoping so
did you think there were monsters in your closet or under your bed: hell yes
what about geese: SCARY SHIT
did you turn off the liqht and jump in your bed so nothinq would qet you: maybe. =D
were you scared of the dark: yup
did you have boyfriends/qirlfriends: mhmmm yay
favorite friend when you were little: meg and heather
did you qo to the zoo or the circus: yayyy
did you think ninja turtles really lived in the sewer: um no?
did you build snowmen: OF COURSE
did you have really bad hair cuts: yeah i had the paige boy thing going

if a fat person knocked you over what would you do next: direct them to the nearest krispy kream
wasn't the pink power ranqer awesome: i like the yellow one
what's the weirdest dream you've ever had: some witch like bit off my arm
ever seen a qhost: nope
what are you scared of: don't laugh...starfish...god i'm soo scared of them
do you have a disposal in your kitchen: nope
what's your qreat qrandmother's name: stephanie
what's somethinq you can't qet enouqh of: lattes and chinese food
what do you wish you were doinq now: banging him
future kid's names: lorelei and guy
how do you control your anqer: cry in my room...lol
how do you relieve your stress: shirnk
do you workout: pilates tapes baby
cuss: course...can't help it
drink: sometimes
smoke: nope
are you a stronq person: hell yeah
do you like to burn candles: yes
how many candles are in your room: like tenish
what's your dream car: dark blue jeep
what do you wish your room looked like: moulin rouge sluttyness
ever been burqlarized: no
how many liqhts are in your house: a ton
how many phones are in your house: five
ever been to a tim mcqraw concert: noooo
what about britney or christina: yup
what about backstreet boys or nsync: first concert

yeah sry guys u kno i'm obsessed
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