Well, well, well. Looks like the 'mutual friend' finally got around to providing a few things. I finally got a gate controller yesterday, which is what
Bonivus has been using for a while now to let us poke our noses into your little world. Of course, the big dude also gets all the new shiny, too: he got this doohicky called a computer to post messages with. (To be fair, we've all been granted access to it: unfortuantely, I have to share a keyboard with
tom_knobbins, and whoever else has small hands, which the burger club gets a giant one with letters they can actualy read on it- And don't ask me how the hell mutual friend got that machine to accept tauhe as a language- us undead can at least read Common, which is useful for everyone else around here.
Speaking of which, y'all might have noticed us raising hell (not literally!) in a certain community. Just so you know, it's all good, clean, wholesome family entertainment.
*notices that the succubus has started stripping... again. *
excuse me, I need to go and enforce that last sentence I just wrote. *grumbles*