Drink and be merry!

Feb 23, 2009 21:39

[Your character, whatever they're doing - exploring the forest, crafting an item, opening a door - will find, after a simple blink, that they are suddenly in the commons room of the inn, along with everyone else! Additionally, the sun is setting and evening twilight is seeping in through the windows... has time moved forward or gone back? What day is it, anyway?

The candles at the center of the long dining tables seem to be burning brighter than normal. The chandeliers have been lit, as well, and the fire roars warmly. The high-elf staff looks quite prepared for something. Their everyday clothes have been replaced with sharp formal wear, embroidered dresses and robes in brown and gold. Chromie, in similarly elegant attire, is standing on top of a large box.

But the most noticeable and most interesting thing about the scene is a scent wafting in from the kitchen. A scent of something undoubtedly delicious.

Chromie raises her hands and smiles.]

Good evening, guests! I have a rather important announcement to make. But first, I would like to direct your attention to the new hearthstone that I have placed in your pack, pocket or hand, in the case of a lack of suitable container.

Perhaps you have noticed that your simple hearthstone from Azeroth is not much more than a paperweight now; additionally, any attempt to leave the inn and its vicinity whether by magical means or manually will fail. Despite this, we recognize that some of you may wish to return to the safety and comforts of your room at the desire's instant. For this purpose, we have given you a new hearthstone chiefly for use while staying at the inn.


[She pulls from her pocket her own hearthstone, its runes glowing gold. Holding it a foot from her face or so, she continues:]

You may now use them to contact any one from any where at any time, as well, including myself and the staff!

[When she says this, you will find that her voice instantaneously also comes from the hearthstone! She pockets the hearthstone and grows a bit more serious.]

Now. I know you're all wondering why we've even brought you here. Truth be told, your lives are all in jeopardy, even now after we've intervened. I'd tell you that everything will be alright, but... we don't know that.

[Shakes her head and sighs.]

I suggest questioning your fellow guests about the Infinite Dragonflight if you are not familiar with them.

[And then, brightening again, she claps her hands together.]

Alright then! Please be seated for the feast we have prepared! Let the staff know what you would like to eat. Order whatever your stomach longs for! And of course... we have plenty of spirits for you to enjoy as well!

redcowrunetotem, zelazadda, icecrowned, seasindorei, stratholmerogue, raptoroftheloa, huntforthesky, a_bloodspeaker, madcowrunning, aurefion, rot_blossom, namerankserial, eulie, guiseoftime, quickstudying, teethofneedles

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