[In the library, Arthas can be found browsing the stacks. While he's being quiet, scanning the spines of books for their titles, the soft clinking of his armor and heavy boots against the floor certainly give him away
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[Ishas, in her quest to familiarize herself with other spirits - not all of whom can be found anywhere near the Church of the Holy Light - has made her way to the library. Considerably quieter than certain princes wearing plate, Arthas may or may not hear her coming from the other end of the stacks. Cloth and bare feet tend to have that effect even when the owner isn't trying particularly to be quiet.]
Dat looks like murloc writin', mon. I don' know what you're lookin' for, but I don' t'ink dat's gonna help you much.
[Ishas has succeeded in startling the Prince. That combined with Ishas being a troll almost makes him make a grab for his weapon but the immediate lack of attempting to kill him stays his hand. And he doesn't want to try to make enemies while here at the courtesy of the bronze flight.
And Arthas didn't even realize that murlocs had a written language.]
Yes, I somehow doubt the murlocs and their pearls of wisdom would be able to help me with my dilemma.
[So is she! Aside from the paladin part, that is.]
[Ishas whistles, her tusks making the sound soft and breathy.] Dat so? I see whatchu be needin', den. I don' t'ink you gonna find it in books, mon. [It really doesn't take much thought at all for her to come out with the following:]
I t'ink I'm gonna help you. [She nods firmly, solidifying her position on the matter.]
[Ishas sets her hands on her hips and directs a glare at him, an oddly parental stare of deep disapproval.]
Don't you be arrogant to me, mon. I be a mambo priestess, I be de one dey call for healin' when de witch doctors give up, an' you be needin' all de help you can get.
You got no room to be sayin' "t'anks, but no t'anks" to me, 'cause you got no idea what's comin' an' no idea what t' guard yoursel' agin'. Books ain't gon' help you none, you need de spirits.
[Arthas wasn't trying to be arrogant, and the parental stare makes him feel almost like he's being scolded by his parents or Uther. However, Ishas isn't his parents or Uther, so it's not quite as effective.]
... I may not know what's going to happen, but I was hoping the books would be able to tell me that so I can avoid it.
I'm afraid I don't see what sort of help the spirits could be.
An' dat is why you ain't a priest. [The Dreaded Finger-Point has come into play!]
Just knowin' ain't gonna change nothin', mon, 'cause de spirit dat found you dere, he ain't gonna listen to you when you tell him no. You got to ask for help. You hear me?
Ain't sayin' it should stop you, mon. [Ishas rewards Arthas's capitulation with a smile, shifting her weight and leaving Lecture Mode.]
Jus' sayin' dat de spirit dat's waitin' for you in Stratholme, it ain't somethin' ya can turn away jus' by tellin' it no. So I's gonna ask some'a de loa to look after ya, an' give ya a bag'a juju to take back wit'chu.
[Arthas is perfectly free to remember everything he's ever heard about the horrific and bloody troll religion now!]
[Stratholme. Now he has a town name of where things are going to start happening. Another piece of the puzzle that's going to be his future. That actually momentarily distracts him before every tale and rumor he heard about Trolls comes to immediately to mind.]
No! No, it's quite alright. You don't have to do any of your voodoo or this... juju for me.
Ja, but I'm gonna anyway. [Ishas nods firmly, then grins. She knows a little of what Arthas is thinking about trolls.] Don' worry, mon, ain't gonna be no human sacrifices, nothin' like dat. I wouldn' mind sacrificin' one'a de Scourge, mind you, but I don' t'ink de dragons are gonna give me one'a dem. So don'chu worry 'bout dat.
[That seems to bring a thought to her mind, and she mutters, almost to herself.] Gotta ask der permission, an' give Papa Legba 'is due for comin' all dis way...
Dat looks like murloc writin', mon. I don' know what you're lookin' for, but I don' t'ink dat's gonna help you much.
And Arthas didn't even realize that murlocs had a written language.]
Yes, I somehow doubt the murlocs and their pearls of wisdom would be able to help me with my dilemma.
Hmm. Every try to change the future?
Dat's no light t'ing you be talkin' about, mon. [Ishas eyes him curiously.] Who you be, to t'ink of a t'ing like dat?
Arthas Menethil of Lordaeron.
[Ishas whistles, her tusks making the sound soft and breathy.] Dat so? I see whatchu be needin', den. I don' t'ink you gonna find it in books, mon. [It really doesn't take much thought at all for her to come out with the following:]
I t'ink I'm gonna help you. [She nods firmly, solidifying her position on the matter.]
Don't you be arrogant to me, mon. I be a mambo priestess, I be de one dey call for healin' when de witch doctors give up, an' you be needin' all de help you can get.
You got no room to be sayin' "t'anks, but no t'anks" to me, 'cause you got no idea what's comin' an' no idea what t' guard yoursel' agin'. Books ain't gon' help you none, you need de spirits.
... I may not know what's going to happen, but I was hoping the books would be able to tell me that so I can avoid it.
I'm afraid I don't see what sort of help the spirits could be.
Just knowin' ain't gonna change nothin', mon, 'cause de spirit dat found you dere, he ain't gonna listen to you when you tell him no. You got to ask for help. You hear me?
But I hear you. I can't say I completely follow you though.
Jus' sayin' dat de spirit dat's waitin' for you in Stratholme, it ain't somethin' ya can turn away jus' by tellin' it no. So I's gonna ask some'a de loa to look after ya, an' give ya a bag'a juju to take back wit'chu.
[Arthas is perfectly free to remember everything he's ever heard about the horrific and bloody troll religion now!]
No! No, it's quite alright. You don't have to do any of your voodoo or this... juju for me.
[That seems to bring a thought to her mind, and she mutters, almost to herself.] Gotta ask der permission, an' give Papa Legba 'is due for comin' all dis way...
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