From The Frying Pan...

May 03, 2009 09:02

[Given the point and anachronistic value of this situation, one would see a clearly agitated undead warlock rapidly typing on what appears to be a cell phone. Yes, a phone, something CLEARLY not supposed to exist in Azeroth.

Unlike most of his peers, he was wearing what amounted to a modern day t-shirt and jeans, albeit ripped tastefully to accommodate his little claw-like problem. At his side stood some kind of imp-thing, once again CLEARLY an imp but not quite, given its purple body, the red scarf and other such weirdness.

Reaching into his pocket pouch, he drew a candy bar and munched on it while finishing up his texting.]

All right Laz, lets give this a try.

[Hitting send, he waited, and waited and waited. And then he cursed loudly in at least four out of five Horde Dialects, Common and a string of blistering dwarvish. And then he finished it with the cry of] Kil'Jaeden's Bloated Teat, am I supposed to get ANY D-Comm service out here?

Y'know Master, considering we're probably not in the Digital World right now BEGS the point that we're most likely back in our world. For now at least.

Say what?

[And then that's when the Awkward Kamemon trundled by, before vanishing into the mists. A great golden dragon looked at it like it was the oddest creature around.]

Yep. We're definitely not back in kansas right now. God I fucking hate the Caverns of Time.

assassinsedge, stupidly_dead, teethofneedles

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