I'm unable to say much new in meta right now, so I wrote fic instead during my bouts of insomnia last night.
(I've started keeping a notebook by my bed, and now do not get so frustrated with insomnia as I used to.)
Behind the cut because of spoilers.
Blaine POV, and I don't change anything that happened.
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Do you have a policy on podfic permission? A few of us are making a small compilation of podfics of 4x04 reaction fic, and I'd love to include this one, if that's all right with you.
I just want to clarify that I would *never* post a podfic without including the author's name and linking back to the fic post, nor would any other podficcer that I know. (But it's still a really good idea to specify what you expect, rather than leaving things unsaid and running into trouble along the line!)
I'd be awesome if you decide to contribute a podfic to the compilation, too, by the way. The more voices, the more amazing the whole thing will be <3
But everybody has different comfort levels, and differently unique voices, and it's *definitely* not worth it to cross a line that feels unsafe to you.
Here it is for quick reference:
Transformative Works Policy:
No work of fanfiction is open verse unless specifically indicated. For all other fanfiction, please ask permission if you would like to write a spinoff or remix.
All of my fanfiction is available to be podficced, illustrated, vidded and translated as long as such actions are for non-commercial purposes and I am credited as the original creator. Please include a link back to my work, if the format of your transformative work allows. I also appreciate receiving notice if you are creating a transformative work based on one of my pieces.
Meta is available for all types of transformative works.
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