Title: Slow Dissolve
Characters/Fandom: Kurt, Blaine, Rachel, Finn, Santana, Brittany, Burt, Carole (in canon pairings)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~5,000
Spoilers: 4.01, “The New Rachel”
Warnings: possible physical and/or mental health issues, dieting, disordered eating, helplessness
Summary: Kurt changes the summer after he graduates. No one fully
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I think Glee has an interesting attitude toward narrative justice, particularly with Kurt's character. It's part of the hyper-realism of Glee, I suppose, but it makes aspects of the show hard (emotionally) to watch.
Yes! I was furious after the Season 3 finale and the cliffhanger for Kurt ("Come on, they could have at least had him discussing his rejection and/or plans with Blaine or Burt, that would give us some resolution!"), but when I saw 4.01, it became absolutely clear why they gave us no resolution: Because Kurt didn't feel any. He was lost and wandering. Really, these writers know what they're doing, even when I'd prefer they didn't.
Blaine strikes me as someone who tries to solve other people's problems before acknowledging what those problems are. The jumprope scene in 4.01 was part of that for me, where he expresses vague concern and proposes a solution while avoiding the issue of Kurt's "pathetic"-ness. (I've only watched the scene once, so that may have been a purely emotional response on my part, not based in evidence. IDK.)
crown-of-weeds and rainbowwrites get the credit for metaing on Brittany's face blindness when I was beginning this fic. I love how the writers of Glee tell us so much about her without telling us. I definitely think Santana developed more of an affinity for Kurt around the time of "Michael," and it stuck.
I don't think I consciously identified the coping theme, but it's obviously everywhere here. Maybe I should have you write all my fic summaries from now on. :)
And I'm glad you had something to eat. I often forget to eat, too, which is really terrible for my migraines. And sorry to hear about your existential funk. I'm glad you ignored my over-the-top warning and got something positive out of this little piece.
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