Porque no tiene marihuana pa' fumar

Feb 09, 2012 10:52

My brief random thoughts about Tuesday's episode. If I didn't discuss gender fluidity and sexual orientation, I would be completely remiss.

Who Cares About Labels
Last week, likeasouffle commented here about Artie not being quite straight. This week, we see him getting all doe-eyed over Ricky Martin - I'm sorry, I mean David Martinez. There was absolutely no subtlety about it. The screenshot doesn't quite capture it, so just go back to 9:35 and watch if you didn't catch it the first time.

Gender Fluidity
Okay, so Kurt's always been gender creative. No big surprises there. This episode offered two new developments on that front. The first was Kurt's comment on girl's night with Rachel and Mercedes, "Why are you being so weird and serious? Our periods don't come until the end of the month." I took that one as him making a bit of a joke to cheer them up - but it failed since they were so mopey. (In unrelated news, did you see him talk with his mouth full at Rachel? I love it when Kurt loses his composure. And what was he eating? Kohlrabi?)

Later in the episode, when he's talking to Finn in the weight room, we learn that Kurt does the  Tracy Anderson Method. Okay, so I had to look that up, but apparently she's a personal trainer for women. All her stuff is marketed to women, she talks specifically about women's bodies, yadda yadda. I just seriously hope he's not on her 700-calorie-a-day diet.

Kurt was on through this whole episode. The Señor Martinez scene. The ladies' night. The Furt moment. Everything just perfect. The alternative title for the episode could be We Know You All Like to Watch Kurt and Blaine Make Eyes at Each Other, But Sometimes It's Enlightening to See Kurt in Other Situations.

So Blaine wasn't in this episode. I didn't actually miss him - should I feel bad about that? Nah, I'd miss him if his absence continued. Even without him, we got one of the series' best Klaine moments when Rachel asked Kurt what he would do if Blaine proposed to him. And Blaine wasn't even in the room. But he was in Kurt's eyes. (Sorry, I couldn't resist the cheez.)

During ladies' night, I wondered what to read into, "Ladies, I appreciate you spending time with me while Blaine recovers." Is he not welcome by the Andersons to sit in Blaine's room for long periods while Blaine  listens to him read? Has he been doing that a lot already and he's just taking a break? Is Blaine going to sleep at 7 p.m.? Is Blaine still on opiates? (Because when I'm on opiates, I sleep like 20 hours a day. It might be nice to have someone sit in the room with me for that, but I don't expect them to put up with the tedium.)

Where was Tina? Was she taking care of Blaine, or having sympathy pains? In either case, I guess my new headcanon for them is as besties.

Ricky Martin
I don't know why I love Ricky Martin. I never really even listened to his music, even in his heyday.

(Kiddies, sit around while I tell you a story. That was back before they had this thing called YouTube -- or if they did, it was back before I had this thing called internet access, and when most of my friends who had internet access used things called dial-up modems. So to listen to someone's music, you had to do what they call hear it on the radio or own a CD. Well, I only listened to the non-commercial radio stations, which are sorely lacking in the Ricky Martin department, and I had only one friend who owned a Ricky Martin CD. She played it whenever we were in her car. I enjoyed it. But she wouldn't let me borrow it, and I was poor and could not afford to buy a CD, so my relationship with Ricky Martin was aborted.)

But, yes, I loved his dientes. I wasn't sure about his Chilean accent, but I could be wrong. (I dated a guy from Chile; their accents were not similar. But there's more than one part of Chile.) I thought the part about him learning English from Soul Train was a little weird. I spent early childhood in a bilingual environment, speaking English at home and school and Spanish elsewhere. And I didn't learn Spanish from TV (although I watched plenty of Spanish TV - Little House on the Prairie is awesome in Castillian, let me tell you). I learned it by going to the candy shop and the butcher and playing with the neighbors and talking to the gas station attendants on behalf of my father (who also spoke Spanish, but sometimes got a little flabbergasted). I'm sure TV helped my Spanish, but it's not where I learned it.

I Shut Up Now
So, I wrote a lot more than I meant to. I could talk about Emma and Will's relationship (Emma, is it worth saving?), Will's new hope to become a history teacher, or Sue as neutral chaos. I could complain about my middle school foreign languages teacher teaching La Cucaracha without the marijuana line (we got gasolina para andar instead) and a lecture on the history of the song and its various political meanings. (I'm pretty sure Will didn't go into the latter, either.) But I suppose I ought to get on with the day. Andale.

gender, obsessed with words, kurt, metabation, episode reaction, sexual fluidity

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