Jun 03, 2005 18:48
Ok, officially done with old apt, and moved into this place for a bit. Carly and Kathryn (her roomie) hav actually asked me to stay through July, since they need a third person till august. I'm not sure if I like it, but I told them ok, unless its obvious that i just can't stand living with them (possible, albeit not likely).
Ok, nerd stuff:
From this month's Sync Magazine...Sync is one of a few tech/gamer mags i read regularly. Its actually the only i read which is geared for older guys (their target market is 28+ men). Everything in their mag is geared towards this target market, so if some of these don't make sense to you, thats ok, and its also ok to break the tech faux pas laws ;) Ones in bold are ones I break.
Some of the ( ) comments are mine, some the mags, i'm not going to distuingish them.
I'd like to see how many some of you are all breaking (I'm copy/pasting this to a few of my forums). Be honest! For those on my LJ...I KNOW which ones you all break :p So you better damn well be honest. It counts and must be bolded if you have broken the rule in the recent past (last 5 years we'll say).
35 Things you should NEVER do with tech:
1. Burn a mix cd for another guy (i don't think this is a cross-gender rule, girls can make em for girls)
2. Purchase a cell phone faceplate (any kind, whatever) (*cries* it was over 5 yrs ago...but it still counts i guess)
3. Overclock you computer (whatever that means)
4. Purchase and iPod case that costs more than the iPod itself
5. Drop references to your plasma, such as "hey, why don't we watch the gam...on my plasma."
6. Answer phone with "talk to me," "shoot!" or anything else that isn't a simple "hello?"
7. Record an outgoing message with a ound clip, especially one from a Schwarzenegger movie, 50 cent song, or The Simpsons
8. Connect a George Foreman grill to you computer's USB port
9. Complain about your cell phone service (yes, we know it sucks)
10. Buy a totally budget MP3 player, then buy white ear buds to play it off as though you own an iPod
11. Download Kazaa. Grow up and startpaying for music. (*gives them the finger* you pay for my music, foo! I want as much free stuff as i can get, and guess what, i can get music for free)
12. Own a discman.
13. Check your email while on a date. (or on the toilet)
14. Foward any email. Except those with attaches mp3's of Pat O'Brien's dirty, coke-induced voice mails.
15. Use any hollowed-out decive (binoculars, transistor radio, fake leg) to sneak liquor into an event.
16. Make onscreen menu adjustments while watching TV with friends (this one really ticks me off)
17. Buy a jacket speciffically designede your gadgets.
18. Use a cell phone to call somebody you can see.
19. Upload naked pictures of your girlfrien (boyfriend for those of you not in their damn target market :D ); Downloading them is fine.
20. Upload naked pictures of youself (downloading not OK either)
21. Abbreviate "laugh" with "L," as in LOL, ROFL, or IJCMPILSH (again...seems target marketish)
22. TiVO Extreme Makeover: Home Edition...Or TRL (would if I had TiVO on the home one)
23. End your .sig file with a famous quotation. Especially one by nietzsche.
24. Refer to it as your .sig file
25. googlewhack (whatever that is)
26. Bandy about terms like "720p" or "30fps" pr "bit rate" - especially if you know that these terms mean.
27. Give directions more deatiled than "press this button" when asking a stranger to take your picture.
28. Become really, really good at Dance Dance Revolution. (yes, thats on the list, i didn't add it :p )
29. Window-shop at RadioShack
30. Refer to a ringing phone as "blowing up"
31. Call your RIM devie "the CrackBerry"
32. Start a hip-hop BlizBlog (inside joke to the magazine readers)
33. Spend real money on weapons for use in a fantasy online game. Even if they're invested with magical powers.
34. Email or SMS any of the following: I'm breaking up with you," "Sorry to hear of your loss" or "Marry me?"
35. But if you absolutely must, avoid using u, yr, L, or ;) (fucking target group)