(no subject)

Nov 06, 2008 18:03

wednesday morning i awoke feeling refreshed & extraordinarily positive. the election was so, so
exciting, yet somehow anti-climactic. i was so certain that we wouldn't know for days, that
when we found out i would cry, & when at somewhere around 9 o'clock arizona-time obama's
electoral votes shot from 220 to 275, i think i was in shock. my mother ran around the house
like a fool howling & singing-- we had a lengthy debate over setting off fireworks, but
decided we'd save them for january. we at fruit, cheese, & chocolate, & drank hot chocolate
followed by champagne when it was announced. a little bit of me wished that i had been out
somewhere drinking & partying, but sharing the time with my family was just as nice.

last week, i called people in swing states through moveon.org, & got people signed up to
volunteer over the weekend. i think doing that made me feel significantly better about the
election, even though i only recruited five or six people from my calling list.

my halloween was not an entire let-down, but my costume fell apart-- so i had to dash home
after working until 8 at the shop (people were buying costumes until after nine!!) & threw
together a sort of marie antoinette in her corset type of deal, which i think came out alright
considering the time & resources (things in my house) that i had. i am much more excited about
this coming sunday because it is the all souls procession. i am attempting to construct an
elaborate ocean themed costume with a jellyfish skirt & pearls & shells throughout. its going
to be in the same vein of halloween with big 18th century hair & i will paint the names of my
grandparents on my back. hopefully pictures will surface at some point of both of these
costumes as i don't really have a good camera on my hands right now... sad.

i'm working on some new pieces... i want to show you, but i don't feel
ready to share them yet. i think i need to re-make them or just keep
doing them over & over until they're strange to me. soon, though.

i'm going to go make some peach salsa to go with burritos we're making for dinner.
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