Nov 02, 2004 22:31
I don't know....... If there was anything inside of me, all the coaches. and a lot of the players sucked it out of me.... Yea Taylor took my spot, well was given my spot....I got not ONE reason why..... They basically just slapped me in front of the face, in front of the WHOLE team.... Just basically saying your not good enough.... Wow does that hurt..... When I got home, I did not know what to feel.... All I knew was tears were coming and I had no explanation..... My mom tried talkin to me and tellin me I can't let the coachs take my confidence and asking what happened, and I was just telling her I did not know.... Because trually I had NO idea what happened..... The whole situation was like going to a test. amd the teacher just hands you an "F" before you've even written your name on it.... I showed up to the locker room, thinkin I would get some playing time, then Coach Clark goes.... "Lallas your starting, then well probably bring Hudson in right after you" not even saying ONE word to me.... It was like someone grabbing the bottom of my heart, and just pulling further and further down..... Then after all the team found out, they gave me shit sayin Hudson took my spot.. Actually he was more GAVE my spot... Cause I never got ONE NOT ONE play during the WHOLE Inglemoor game.... And they wonder why Cueva's not at practice...
I do not know what to do..... I've worked my ass of ALL season and they brought me a up during two a days to play varisty, but I guess it's not enough.... Basically saying I suck.... and I'm being dumb and lettin them get to me... I'm thinkin I should just start playin Bball because obviously football isn't going to get any better.
I'm sorry for bitchin I need something to let everything out