Mists of Pandaria bucket lists!

Jun 02, 2014 07:58

We all know the pain of between-expac doldrums, but there is a silver lining to that cloud: Lots of time to work on personal achievements or Bucket List items!

Given the rumors (at this point, I don't know how confirmed they are) about the stat squish in Warlords, perhaps there are some dungeons or raids you want to clear before that happens. Or maybe you want to collect ALL the pets (or mounts!) while there's time to do so.

Myself, I've been thinking that I want to take another crack at that warlock Green Fire questline -- taking advantage of the gear upgrades available now, before Blizz gets around to institute a stat squish on that questline specifically.

I also want to finish that darn "10 PVP battles," pet battling quest! (I got about halfway through it, then accidentally reset the quest, and haven't had the energy to try again.)

[edit] And, of course, the Brawler's Guild!

So, WoW Ladies, what is YOUR bucket list of things to achieve before Warlords of Draenor rolls around?

achievement: feat of strength, expansion: bucket list

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