Casual Alliance heroic raiding guild recruiting DPS

Mar 19, 2014 09:48

Good morning,

Now that Siege normal and heroic is cross realm raidable, I thought I'd see if there is anyone looking for raiding that might be interested in a permanant spot on my guild's raid team. My team is looking for 1-2 talented dps.

We are actively recruiting (in order of most desired to least):

Boomkin (we currently have no int leather wearers in the raid)
Enh shaman
dps Warrior
other dps will be considered. In the group, we currently have as dps a mage, ele shaman, hunter and rogue.

About us:

We are an Alliance casual heroic raid group on the Proudmoore (US) server. The core of the group has been raiding together since DS. Some of us our real life friends, some of us our long term in game friends, others are new to the group (replacing several raiders who burned out and quit the game.) Most of us are working adults. All in all, we are an eclectic group of people.

Our current progression is 4/14H (Immerseus, Norsh, Sha and Gal).

Our raid days/times are: Tuesday/Wednesday from 730-10pm PST and Sunday from 8:30-1030pm PST. Times are for first pull. Invites start 5-10 minutes earlier.

What we are looking for in a raider:

* Have good enough gear to jump into heroic raiding. Gear must be fully gemmed/enchanted/reforged.
* Have at least cleared normal SoO (or at least up to Garrosh.)
* Be skilled at your class.
* Have a good attitude. The ideal person will keep a positive attitude in the face of wipes. They will both accept and give constructive feedback.
* Be an overall nice person. The way we evaluate people who are interested in raiding with us is: (1) Do we enjoy raiding with this person (2) Are they skilled with their class? If the person has shortcomings with their play, are they actively trying to fix it? (3) Does the person show up to raids, on time, ready to go?
* Consistent attendance. We don't have any set in stone attendance rules. We expect everyone to honor the commitment they made to 9 other people and show up on raid days. That being said, real life is more important than a game. No one in the group has any problem with someone needing to take the occasional night off to take care of their offline lives, provided the communicate with us that they won't be at the raid. No one will lose their raid spot because they have to work late an occasional night, or have a sick child, or want to take a vacation with their family.

What we offer:

* Steady (but not speedy progression)
* A fun group to play with.
* An equal voice in the direction of the group
* Feasts (or noodles), guild repairs/some enchants/some flasks/pots (for those on Proudmoore).

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, please feel free to battle tag me.

My battletag is MissHerra#1611. Please make sure to stick in the comments something like "from wow ladies" or "10 man raid" so I know what it is about.


crz, guild: recruitment

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