Enhancement Shaman leveling - help?

Feb 20, 2014 14:30


I have tried a shaman a few times - busy with the 4th attempt. I thought I would give it another bash on a bank toon I moved from H-Stormrage to H-Turalyon with the recent free move. To find info on leveling is practically non-existent. I found an old guide updated for 5.4 for level 90s on Totemspot. They have a tiny section on leveling and one should follow level 90 rotation as far as possible - the problem is that the spell levels have changed.

I am currently level 25.  I usually start by putting down a Searing Totem, pull with Lightning Bolt, then apply Flame Shock, lava lash and earth shock. And then primal Strike and everything is on cooldown - so I have to autoattack, because trying to cast lightning bolt is tough with a mob wailing on you. And I heal as much as possible with healing surge. I took Nature's Guardian as level 15 talent - its a passive so one less thing to worry about ;-).

I have Lightning shield up, and Flametongue weapon on both of my weapons [speed 2.70]. I get the agility gear [leather] - I try to get with hit on, but the AH has crazy prices for gear [1000G for a piece of agility gear??!!!] - so I wear quest rewards and drops, with occasional AH  gear if it in the 5G range.

Any comments on how I can change it up to (a) not die (b) kill mobs faster (c) not be on cool down when it counts?

She's a Tauren if that helps :)

Thanks for all the sage advise.

leveling: advise/advice, leveling: alts, shaman: enhancement

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