WE DOWNED DARK SHAMAN! :D Made quite a few good attempts on Nazgrim as well. We're awesome!
The raid will be Saturday, January 18th @ 4:30 PST (PDT?). We communicate during raid using Mumble, so please make sure you have that downloaded and set up before raid night (but you don't have to talk if you don't want to).
We're now starting on Wing 2 of SoO Flex. We're going to try to cap the raid at ~14 this week, as the more people we bring the more difficulty we seem to have.
There is an event on Openraid, if you're interested and want to run with us please sign up
HERE and Add me in game so I can better organize our roster. My battletag is Penawn#1281. This is a casual, fun raid. No experience necessary, just bring a big smile and some silliness and you're set. And again, this is a Horde-side US Cross Realm raid. :D Hope to see you folks there! Thank you all again!