Hi ladies!
I logged onto
my mage alt for the first time in forever and I went through a few dungeons only to realize that I've completely forgotten how to fire mage. I'm checking Icy Veins, but do any of you have any tips for a fire mage's dps rotation? Especially aoe rotation. I'm lagging behind in dps and I'm not sure why.
I played fire for forever, but when I started doing PvP, people recommended I switch to frost. I tried, so many times. I've lost count. I could NOT get into it. The rotation was so uncomfortable. I was like "Hell no, I'm fire and sticking to fire - screw frost!"
However, after actually researching it, learning the spec, and trying it a final time, I stuck with it and haven't gone back, since. My DPS as a frost mage is by -far- superior to that of my fire spec. A lot of people insist that in high level, 5.3 raiding, fire stacks better, but in the past month, I have done a lot of trial runs with both specs and I -still- do much more damage as frost (not to mention it just feels much more comfortable, to me). My current ilvl, by the way, is 519.
You should always play what is most comfortable and enjoyable to you, otherwise, there isn't a point in playing at all, but I still recommend you -try- frost. Try to learn it by researching it. When I did my trial runs, this past month, I had to re-learn my fire spec, and I personally find the rotation for fire to be more tedious than that of frost.
Good luck finding the best fit for you!
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