I just reached 90 yesterday on my hunter -- first time I've ever gotten a hunter to max level! And since this is also the first time I've substantially played a hunter since Wrath, I realized that I basically have no idea what the class is capable of any more. Specifically, I only just realized that I have five pet slots, even as Marks (which I
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If you are concerned about bringing the right buffs to LFR or 5 man dungeons- wolf, cat, hyena, ravager and a tanking pet are the standard lineup recommended.
Personally, I like using the glyph that has 5 copies of my current pet going for stampede. I'm told that my stabled pets will no longer growl, but not everyone believes that, and I don't want to give people an excuse to fuss at me.
I looked at your armory- you'll want to ditch the stamina enchants. (Don't bother with the expensive shoulder enchant right now- get the Lesser Tiger Inscription, it's cheaper) Ask MrRobot is really good about forging, gems and enchant suggestions. Don't worry about socket bonuses unless they give you agil. You will want to reforge your hit and expertise to 7.5%
Otherwise... heroic dungeons will have some good upgrades for you. I'd recommend your first valor purchase to be the 522 neck from Shado Pan Assault (you can get it at neutral), and they also have some really nice rings and trinkets available at friendly, so once your ilevel gets up to Throne of Thunder LFR, assuming you have interest in that, you can get that rep up pretty quickly.
I'm not much assistance for your rotation, as I'm surv and always will be, but I am happy to help however I can. :)
I don't think I want a hyena or a ravager :( They're kind of ugly (yes, I'm shallow.) I haven't honestly been too fussed about bringing buffs to raids, since in 5 mans it usually doesn't matter and in 10 mans odds are good someone else will bring the buff.
If you don't want to, then absolutely don't! It's all about having fun. :)
From looking over it, it looks like Survival and Beastmaster basically share a rotation except that BM has less buttons, but both use significantly different abilities from Marks.
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