Casual Murder is a Horde guild on Frostwolf US.
We're a group of friends who enjoy playing World of Warcraft and would like to play with more people who share our mindset.
We're based on Frostwolf - US - Horde-side. We have our own Mumble server~
Our Goals!: We want to gradually experience all of the end-game content available to us, learning and growing as we go.
We are currently hosting a weekly Cross-Realm Wow_Ladies Raiding Fun Runâ¢, but our numbers have started to dwindle again and we haven't had enough raiders to go for the last few weeks. We've cleared MSV and are currently working on HoF and we may dip our toes into Terrace before too long! We're also interested in casually exploring challenge modes and getting the heroic dungeon achievements.
What do we have for you?: We offer a comfortable and casual approach to the world of end-game. We can give you nice home and very nice people to be with as we all see new content and progress through to tougher challenges. We have a slightly different perspective on raiding; We approach things with a casual but determined mindset! We want to see the content without the hassle and frustration of the "hardcore".
We'd also like to note that we will never punish anyone for not being able to attend or play regularly because of life. We all have lives outside the game so we understand. This is one of the main reasons we wanted to create our own guild. To provide an environment free of that pressure as it tends to lessen the fun of the game.
We're looking for: Pretty much all roles, really. We want to invite anyone and everyone who feels the same way as us! If you want a slightly more relaxed and fun environment to explore the content in then you're made for this guild. We want people we can be friends with and people who are respectful, like being part of a team and enjoy the game.
We also aren't looking for just raiders. We all have some alts and there are many other facets of this game we enjoy, so don't let the end-game goals scare you away!
A little about Frostwolf: Our server is a PVP server that tends to be light on world PVP. There's definitely some wars that break out and there will always be gankers.. but the experience hasn't been too bad. Our server ratio is tipped towards the Alliance 60:40, but the Horde is almost twice as active on average.
Frostwolf is an older server (one of the originals), but has a good community. It can be a little troll-y, but tolerable and there are a fair number of very nice people to meet. The economy is good and the auction seems very healthy, if a little pricey sometimes.
We have a basic guild site set up
HERE. If you'd like information without visiting strange and scary links? Just ask in the comments! Don't feel like commenting? You can send me a private message through LJ, or contact me via @ Penawn#1281. Changing servers or rolling a new toon is a big deal, so if you're interested in playing with us feel free to send me a message or add my Battletag and we can always run Cross-Realm content with you. :D