I was invited along with some friends to raid MSV on Weds and Thursday, and I haven't raided yet this expansion, nor on this toon. I have done LFR of course, but I know that doesn't give me the best idea of what I do. So, a few questions.
A) Are there any charts out there on what are the most mana-efficient heals post-patch?
B) And for that matter, what spells have changed for Disc priests? I went through the patch notes and it said nothing about Prayer of Healing losing the bubble shield, so I was surprised when I logged in and found that out.
C) Best add-on for most efficient healing? I know that I can be slow at times on reaction time, and something that I am working on. I use healbot right now, and I have tried Vuh-do (didn't like it), are there any other good addons out there that would work?
D) Any other advice?
Here is my armory: