I'd love to go, but I don't usually play on Saturdays. Still, If I am ever avaliable I will be sure to look for your event on openraid! Best of luck ;)
I would love to do this so I signed up but I think the class balance may be a bit skewed lol. 3 caster dps already before me...it's cool if you wanna take some melee instead. Unfortunatly I've been kinda slack and I don't have another raid ready toon...my resto druid is the closest at like 465 ilvl but I don't think I'd be able to keep up on her lol.
If you want to bring a caster Dps that's fine! Also, a 465 resto Druid could be welcome too. We're only asking for 460+ iLevel. Last week we had two mages and two shadow priests. We're not picky! I tanked last week on my 464 prot warrior. :3
In that case you can let me know at the time what you need and I can bring whichever. :) I will say that my performance on the shadowpriest will be much stronger though lol.
Comments 17
- The Bear
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