[H] The Wolfpack - LF RDPS

Feb 02, 2013 13:05

The Wolfpack is a (16/16N, 1/16H Tier 14) Horde guild on Llane (US-PvE)
established November 2008 - and still under the same leadership
Semi-Hardcore Raiding with a Casual Schedule in an established guild of all adults.
(If you are not a raider we are still accepting applications for social and/or PvP players - especially from WoW_Ladies!)

We are recruiting for a CORE raid spot.  Not second string - We do not have a Bench. 
We have four 10m teams that run on different days/times.  Two teams are recruiting.

Recruiting for: ONE DPS  Balance Druid or Elemental Shaman preferred - will also consider a Mage
Raid Nights: Tuesday & Thursday (9:00PM-12:00AM EST / 6:00PM-9:00PM PST)

Recruiting for: ONE DPS: Warlock preferred - will consider a Rogue, DK, Monk
Raid Nights: Wednesday & Thursday (11:45PM - 2:45AM EST / 8:45PM - 11:45PM PST)

We are not hardcore but we take raiding seriously.

  • Applicants must be 18+ (21+ Strongly preferred).
  • We use Ventrilo.
  • Dedication to the team: 90%+ attendance is required.  You must be able to commit to the raid schedule
  • Commitment to the guild: If you only want to log in on raid night, we aren't the guild for you.  We are a community and a family and by joining us you should want to be a part of that experience.
  • Willingness to always improve yourself and help your team and guild - Willing to give and receive positive and constructive feedback.
  • Knowledge of your class - You need to have a level of skill that is commensurate with the current content.
  • Experience and some gear from the current raiding tier - Some Heroic Experience Preferred, but we are open to teaching fights and helping to obtain gear.
  • Excellent Raid Awareness.
Loot System:
We use a Main Spec/Off Spec Roll system with a soft loot council (to ensure fairness if RNG is unkind).

About Us:
  • We are an all adult, raid progression-oriented guild.
  • We're snarky with a wicked sense of humor - if you are fragile, delicate and sensitive, you wouldn't be happy here.
  • The realm is EST - but the guild is comprised of players in all time zones.
  • We have husbands, wives, careers, military service, families, grad school, etc. so we balance our gaming experience with real life and provide a fun and interesting place to be in your free time.
  • We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding drama, elitism, or loot hogs.
We have an active roster that enjoys PvP, Challenge Modes, guild contests/events, posting cat pictures on our website, writing blog posts, running old content for achievements and transmog.  This is a large guild with a true sense of community.

How Do I Join?:
Please complete our Guild Application at:

Contact through our website is our strongly preferred method of contact - however my BattleTag is Katzen#1366.  Please leave a note about who you are if you do add my BattleTag

shaman: elemental, guild: recruitment, looking for: guild, realm/server: us, raiding: hardmode, warlock, guild: looking for guild, druid: balance, raiding: 10 mans, casual raiding, recruitment

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