I'm not an expert warrior by any means, but I have been playing one for a few years and might be able to give you a bit of help. The first one, there isn't really too much you can do to change it as blizzard has been tinkering with the Tab Targeting system for a long time. But, one thing to keep in mind is that you will only ever tab target something that's on your screen and has a nameplate. So if you find you're tabbing to another pack by mistake, try to do everything you can to make sure that the mobs you're currently tanking are the only (alive) ones on camera. If this means charging in and facing the direction you charged from, it should only tab to mobs in that group. Also, Shift-Tab, unless it's been unbound, should tab to the PREVIOUS closest enemy. So if you tab one too many times, Shift-Tab should bring you back.
As per the charging issue, a lot of the times when I charge it feels like I'm facing the wrong direction, but it's just my camera. Like, I charge in --> this direction, my warrior ends the charge essentially behind the mob facing <-- this direction, but my CAMERA is still facing --> this direction, leading to backwards movement controls and confusion. Sometimes it does just face you the wrong way, but spinning your camera around can help. Again, no real fix for this issue.
My two biggest tips for gaining threat early on with really overzealous DPS are to heroic leap into the pack (charge if you really need the rage) -> Thunderclap -> Take two steps backwards -> Shockwave. This, theoretically stuns the whole pack and lets you get threat a bit more solidly. Focus on Revenge as your rage builder and cleave whenever you can. I also suggest marking. If you mark one with a skull, DPS more often than not will focus on that one allowing you to build gradual threat on the rest of the group.
Not sure how helpful any of this is, but I figured I'd try!
Everything this one says, especially once you get Heroic Leap at 85. I don't keep it glyphed because Gag Order, Endless Rage, and the dispel on Shield Slam are all too important, but it's very good for getting out some damage early on. One thing you can do is make a macro that puts a skull on your target when you hit Devastate, since you'll be building threat on that primary target more than anything else. (I haven't found it necessary to do this, personally, but my guild master/raiding MT does, and if we pull threat because we're not focusing on the skull target he reminds us that's our own damn fault ;).)
As per the charging issue, a lot of the times when I charge it feels like I'm facing the wrong direction, but it's just my camera. Like, I charge in --> this direction, my warrior ends the charge essentially behind the mob facing <-- this direction, but my CAMERA is still facing --> this direction, leading to backwards movement controls and confusion. Sometimes it does just face you the wrong way, but spinning your camera around can help. Again, no real fix for this issue.
My two biggest tips for gaining threat early on with really overzealous DPS are to heroic leap into the pack (charge if you really need the rage) -> Thunderclap -> Take two steps backwards -> Shockwave. This, theoretically stuns the whole pack and lets you get threat a bit more solidly. Focus on Revenge as your rage builder and cleave whenever you can. I also suggest marking. If you mark one with a skull, DPS more often than not will focus on that one allowing you to build gradual threat on the rest of the group.
Not sure how helpful any of this is, but I figured I'd try!
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