The Al'Ar fight is soloable if that's the one you're talking about, I did it as a just below 397 shadow priest in cata (albeit with many, many panic moments >>; ) and I had a guildie all but solo the Kael'thas fight in TK... he had a second account to stand there and look pretty though. XD
I think Al'Ar was soloable by some particularly crazy guildies of mine back in Wrath :). I got the phoenix fists on my shaman main from retro raiding, which was the only thing I really cared about aside from Kael's phoenix mount, so I never had a particular urge to try to solo Al'Ar
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I've been soloing Ulduar on my pala - haven't quite finished it all yet, but last couple of bosses should go this weekend :) I just really like T8 so am working on putting that together
ICC is fun if you like the solo challenge - but you can't solo gunship so it is slightly annoying because of how early in the raid it is :(
BC: more mog bits, the phoenix (if that fight is, in fact, soloable; I'm not sure it's mechanically possible to solo).
Wrath: more mogging stuffs, plus Onyxia mount (that I'm not sure exists -- the only one I've seen on Kirin Tor seems to have come from the BMAH).
One of my guildies has already soloed Ulduar -- including most of the 10-player achievements -- on his blood DK.
YOU CAN SOLO ULDUAR? New goal. o.o
ICC is fun if you like the solo challenge - but you can't solo gunship so it is slightly annoying because of how early in the raid it is :(
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