Stands in Bad [A] Rexxar-US still recruiting!

Oct 12, 2012 12:56

Stands in Bad is still recruiting!

To completely get our second 10-man raid team going, we’re still looking for three part-time ranged DPS types, preferably of the cloth and leather and mail persuasions. In fact, a warlock, elemental shaman, and moonkin would be pretty awesome. (Unfortunately, we’re still not looking to add any more hunters.)

Part-time raiders are expected to keep up with our gearing requirements, but are not expected to sign-up for raids on a weekly basis.  You do need to be available on at least some Wednesday and Thursday nights (we raid from 7p - 10p central).

Enough about what we need, though! Let’s talk about what Stands in Bad is, and what we can provide you!

Complete insanity.

I’m kidding. Maybe.

We’re a group of total nutjobs who have become great friends over the years, and we’re very excited to be able to make that circle grow just a little bit more. We’ve been through a lot, and have expectations of ourselves and others for fairness, tolerance, and acceptance. We have guild members of many different races, creeds, colors, sexual preference, disabilities, ages, height, political affiliation, computer affiliation, military membership, and interests. Intolerance will not be tolerated, and we don’t judge. Unless you’re Ted, in which case we judge pretty harshly.

We’re a safe space, just not very politically correct.

We raid on Wednesday and Thursday night, from 7pm - 10pm Central time. Nostalgia and achievement raids are typically run on an at-will basis, and all raids are set up on our forums. We do require that our raiders adhere to a recommended gear level for progression raiding, and being able to hear Vent, if not necessarily speak on it (some exceptions can be made: - we have had much raiding success with not one, but two guild members with hearing disabilities). Individuals incapable of avoiding bad things on a regular basis makes our raid leaders froth at the mouth and invent profanities, which, while funny at first, isn’t for very long. Stands in Bad is just a name, not a way of life.

Our raiding history through Cataclysm ended with us completing all of the content well in advance of the next tier, and if we'd had one more week, we would have finished Dragon Soul before the 5% buff. Pretty good for folks who only raid 6 hours a week.

If Stands in Bad sounds like your kind of place and you’re looking for a guild that is relaxed but takes its raiding pretty seriously, you can contact our recruiting victim… er, officer… at sibrecruits at gmail dot com, or contact any of our members in-game for more information.

Come join the fun at the asylum! Don’t forget to sign in at the front desk.

Disclaimer: Stands in Bad is not recommended for internal use. There are too many pokey bits. This disclaimer is subject to change without notice. Do not fold, spindle, or mutilate. Price does not include tax, title, or license. I have a confession to make; I am not left-handed either. If found unattended, please return this disclaimer to SI:7 in Stormwind. (Horde, attempt delivery at your own risk.) All opinions expressed in this document are the opinions of the aliens living under the writer's desk and not of the writer. Do not attempt to translate Raid Leader to English. The disclaimer has been changed. Press any key to continue. No animals were harmed in the making of this disclaimer, but when I catch that cursed Pomeranian, it is ON. You can lead a hunter to a cliff, but only Kat will fall off of it. Do not taunt the Forum Tyrant. Never touch anything Ted offers without clearing it with the guild leader first. If you cannot find the “any” key, one will be provided for you. Contents may settle during shipment. All rights reserved; most wrongs are still available for purchase.

guild: recruitment, realm/server: us

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