Hunter Halp

Oct 01, 2012 12:42

I love my hunter. love her love her love her. little panda named Maijay on Moon Guard US, and she's adorable, and has foxy and catty pets, and dominates in PvP, and is just all around everything FUN!


since I've ding'd level 40 I am dead last on all the charts...something I'm not used to as I was FIRST FIRST FIRST up until now. I know it's my rotation, because I've got all this new stuff, and I'm having a hard time keeping up with it.

I was wondering, is there a way I can set up my UI so that I make sure to pop CDs and such. right now my rotation is basically:

hunters mark
serpent sting
kill command
arcane shot
steady shot
kill shot

all while trying to keep bestial wrath up, and popping focus fire.

but it's hard to pop bestial wrath, focus fire, and kill shot when they're on CD.

I'm also wondering, could it be that there are mult. mobs in dungeons now? Should i be using multi shot and steady shot until kill shot activates?

Any help to get me up on dem meters would be much appreciated. heres an armory (It could also be her gear, I just stuck whatever I could find on her, mail on my server is grossly expensive, and there isn't much variety.)


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