What I am looking for:
Horde guild (not interested in changing faction)
MoP Raid times*:
NZ time: 7-11pm M-F, 10am-11pm S-S
Sydney time: 5-9pm M-F, 8am-9pm S-S
Perth time: 3pm-7pm M-F, 6am-7pm S-S
EST: 1am-5am (NOT EDT/summer time) M-F, nearly anytime S-S
PST: 10pm-2am (NOT PDT/summer time) M-F, nearly anytime S-S
I'm looking for a guild that doesn't tolerate slurs or hate speech, at least while raiding.
I'm also looking for a guild that is aiming to down heroic content while it is still current.
Ideally, your server would mostly be populated with people that play at the same time as my preferred raid times above.
What I can offer:
My Troll Priest lady, MittenzMain spec Disco, Off spec is flexible: I'm shadow now to speed the levelling process, but I prefer to heal at max level.
Professions: Tailoring and Enchanting.
I'm on a US account.
I have raiding experience from Classic, Wrath, and Cataclysm. In Cataclysm I downed every boss except Ragnaros (one more week!) on normal before the nerfs, with my current guild. There wasn't much interest in attempting heroics, but I'd like to push myself and see what I'm capable of in a like-minded guild. Please don't dismiss me because I only have a few heroic kills that were all post-nerf. I'm leaving my current guild because they don't raid at a time that suits me - my schedule changed right as the nerfs hit Deathwing. I haven't been able to raid with them since, and I haven't raided at all in at least a month. I still haven't decided what glyphs to run, that is on my to do list!
I'm a quick learner, I have no problem owning my mistakes and I always strive to improve my play. I love healing: I also have a holy paladin, resto druid, and resto shaman at max level (the shaman is 83 because NOONE is queueing for cata regs at the moment) and I'll be rolling a monk when I have a spare moment in Mists. I'm not sure whether I'll transfer any of my alts at this stage. I perform best when I know what is expected of me, am great at following instructions but don't mind helping the leadership out.
When Cata came out I had my priest at 85 within 28 hours. Not close to server first but I was the first horde priest on my server to 85! I plan to take it a little more slowly in Mists but I still expect to be 90 quite soon after release.
Outside of WoW I'm a professional engineer, I play a lot of other games including board games, and I'm teaching myself to play the sax (the cat and my partner both hate me)! I am also a lady irl (surprise!)
I'm willing to do whatever it takes to show that I can be a valuable member of your raid team. The above is a summary, if you'd like any more information I'd love to have a chat. Link me to your guild website or application form, find me in game or send me in game mail. I'm also perfectly willing to chat on your website, vent, mumble, in-game via battle-tag whispers.
*My daylight savings goes the opposite direction to the northern hemisphere, and I'm not interested in raid time moving 2 hours earlier or later for half the year. For the difference between NZ and Australia daylight savings changes I'm willing to work to whatever the guild's clock is, as I know NZ has super wacky daylight savings dates.