Got griefed on WoW last night due to this stupid exploit.
Death knights could make a macro:
/cast frost fever
/cast blood plague
And they could use this to put diseases on their own faction. Causing much death and chaos in major cities for about 3 hours.
Ban the bastids, I say. At least for a day... I couldn't do anything in major cities because of people repeatedly seeking out lowbie toons and killing them. It was super obnoxious. I know some people will say "all in good fun"... and maybe I'm just an old crank, but my time is my money, and I don't appreciate it being wasted like that. My fun was ruined so someone else could enjoy being a jerk.
I'm glad they fixed it... but what is your opinion about what should happen to those who exploited the bug?
More info about what I'm talking about here:!-To-ban-or-not-to-ban What do you think, and were you impacted by this? I had no idea it would be over in 3 hours, so I left the game in frustration. I reported the player who was harassing me, of course. But that didn't stop them from continuing the abuse until I got fed up and left. They basically ruined my evening of enjoying my lowbie toon. I hope they experience SOME type of punishment for it.
I think the majority of people who found this exploit to be so 'hilarious' probably weren't the ones getting repeatedly griefed. -_- Just sayin'.