So, my power supply bit the dust a week ago, and I got a replacement off newegg. Got it all plugged in, and it turns out one of the SATA connectors isn't up and running. Which, that isn't my tech question; I've got a 4-pin molex to SATA converter that I can use, and until I feel like actually opening my computer back up, I'm just without a CD drive
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If you right click the icon for it and on the menu to got Properties, there will be several tabs across the top of the window that opens. On the Shortcut tab, there will be Target: and Start in:
You can type in the path for the file and folder that file is in if you just know them. If not, go to My Computer or Computer and then the drive your WoW install is located, often C:
Then navigate to the Wow folder where the World of Warcraft Launcher.exe, Launcher.exe, Wow-64.exe or Wow.exe are located. Whichever you use, right click it and go to Properties on the menu. On the General tab, you will see the name of the file at the top, and the Location: about half way down. You can highlight the location and right click to copy it, then go back to the Properties of the shortcut and paste it into Start in:
Then paste it in Target: and this time on the end put \Wow.exe, or whichever exe you use. Click the Apply button at the bottom, then OK and that should fix it. You'll likely have to repeat the process for both the shortcuts on the Desktop and in the Start menu.
I hope that helps! (And if you know some of that already, I didn't mean to be condescending, I was just trying to explain in case you don't.)
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