The following message is heavily encoded, posted in odd places one would not think to put a message. Alleyways, hidden coves, dark corners in the street.
If you or someone you know is adept at finding information, and will sell what they know for a decent price: Intrepidity’s coffers have gold for you. You will find us this Sunday at 5 in the evening at a to-be-disclosed location. If the whispers in the streets unsettle you, you will want to attend this gathering.
If you know...something about politics...You may also wish to make your presence known.
We look forward to meeting you.
((OOC: This is a cross server and cross guild plotline involving a new RP/PVE guild on WrA Hordeside--Intrepidity. Calerovia Sunsong is looking for information that will ultimately lead to uncovering the events leading up to the assault on Theramore. We have people from our own guild Intrepidity, Aeturnas Trinitas on Emerald Dream, and Vindicated involved in this event.
If your character, or a character of someone you know is adept at knowing things they shouldn’t, finding information, and will sell it for in-character TBD amounts--Calerovia and her partner Illaria, the other GM of Intrepidity--wish to speak with you this Sunday at 5 PM ST.
If you want to know more about Intrepidity and perhaps join us, please
visit our website. If not, feel free to come get to know us as we unveil this fun little story arc that will take all involved into the Theramore’s Fall Scenario and Mists of Pandaria.
--Calerovia, Co-GM of Intrepidity.))