Sep 05, 2012 13:13
Good afternoon Ladies and Lurker Gents!
Today, I return to you, inviting you to yet another Minstrels of Azeroth RP Event!
Join Joven tonight at the Gazebo in Stormwind for his last IC appearance as a Dra...Dre...SPACE GOAT!!! You can find him milling about Stormwind tonight at 6:00 PM Server on the Wyrmrest Accord US Server!!
Tonight's event is our Bi-Weekly Story Circle. Come and join us, sit a spell and listen as people share tales they've gathered as they've combed the land looking for artifacts, mysterious treasures and mumified organs!
You need not be a member of MoA in order to participate.
If you need directions, just whisper Joven!
And yes, I will be there tonight, even if I have to bulldoze my way out of the office at a reasonable hour.
Hope to see you there!
<3 Jo
rp: general,
rp: event