Well with the new talents just one day away I'm curious to see what talents and glyphs people are picking. Talent Calculator available here
http://www.wowdb.com/talent-calculator Here is what I'm thinking for my Disc Priest
Class: Priest
Spec: Disc
Level 15 Talent - Void Tendrils (I love this talent so much! Finally some utility besides fear)
Level 30 Talent - Body and Soul (although I will probably switch this one around a lot depending on what I'm doing. Can't wait to use Phantasm in arenas)
Level 45 Talent - Power Word: Solace (I haven't played the beta but have heard some mixed reviews about this talent. But it's the one I will be testing out first)
Level 60 Talent - Angelic Bulwark (would probably switch to Desperate Prayer for PvP)
Level 75 Talent - Power Infusion (all the talents in this tree look interesting and I will probably play around with them all, but love my Power Infusion).
Level 90 Talent - Divine Star
Major Glyphs - Inner Fire, Power Word: Shield, Prayer of Mending
Minor Glyphs - Borrowed Time, Holy Resurrection, Heavens
Ok ladies it's your turn. Tell me about your characters and what talents you will be trying out tomorrow!