Hi there!
A couple of folks from my guild and I are interested in obtaining the
Herald of the Titans title from Ulduar.
So far, we have: 1 warrior tank, 1 hunter, 1 resto shaman and 1 resto druid. We are looking for another tank and six dps who would like to join us. I can real ID for cross realm. We aren't quite 80 yet, but we should be in a week or two, max.
We plan to work on this on Wednesday evenings for about two or three hours a night, from 7 pm (Pacific) time to 9 or 10, or so.
Let me know if you are interested! :)
Edit: I play on WRA Horde, though I can RID folks. My main is Danikah, but with how many alts I play it's usually just easier to /who Reckoning and ask for the GM.