LF a dedicated and passionate healer! - - [H] Myth - 6/8 H DS 10M

Jul 31, 2012 17:24

Hi, It's Towachi, again! Y'know, that healer officer in Myth.

I'm stopping by today because we've recruited some solid DPS to complete our raiding family. Some even have OS tank, which works out great when one of our MS tanks have to take some time off. Unfortunately, our heal team is not equally as lucky. This fall we'll even be losing one of our healers for an extended period because they'll be serving overseas.

In the last month, our little family has recovered from the RL bug. We're even stronger than we were before our summer slump. But we still have some recruiting to do to ensure we are 1 or 2 deep in each class archetype. Right now, we are hurting in the heals department. Especially, once our friend gets deployed.

Are you a healing priest or paladin who considers themselves a team player? Do you consider yourself an expert on your class? Do you love healing so much that you could sit on vent with Annanda (another wow-ladies member, there's 3 of us in the guild) and I to squee about healing for hours? Do you want to have fun when you raid, but know when to be serious? When you're not raiding do you like leveling alts, running dungeons, and generally just e-hanging out with your guildmates?

If you could answer yes to all of these questions, then Myth is probably the perfect place for you. Here's some more things to know:

+ As the title states we are HORDE and on the Blade's Edge server.

+ We raid Saturdays 8:00PM-1:00AM EST and Sundays 7:30PM-11:30PM EST.

+ We tend to be PG-13.

+ We're 6/8 in HEROIC DS 10m. (Victory is so close we can taste it.)

+ We use a loot council which consists of the officers. (There's 3 of us.)

+ We provide all food, flasks, and money for repairs during raids.

+ We like to run retro dungeons/raids for the chievys.

+ We're couples friendly. We have 4 currently.

+ Our website is http://mythicaldoomsquad.enjin.com.

Visit our website for more information and to apply. Make sure to read the Code of Conduct! If you have any questions, email or in-game message myself or an officer. If you are thinking of server transferring to join, please reach out sooner rather than later because we want to make sure it's a good fit for both you and the guild before you drop the coin on transferring. That said, the sooner we can do some cross-realm runs the better. :)

email and rIDs:

Towachi (Me): nikki@nikkidecoy.com

Yuush (Our GM): jpeaytt@aol.com

Gorodetsky(Officer): kevingoudreau@gmail.com

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Towachi of Blade's Edge

guild: recruitment, priest: holy, raiding: 10 mans, priest: discipline, paladin: holy

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