Mythos, Bleeding Hollow-US (Horde) Is Recruiting!!

Jul 27, 2012 14:01

Mythos is recruiting!

We are a level 15 (almost 16!) guild on Bleeding Hollow-US, Hordeside. We are a casual guild who is looking at putting together a raid team for Sunday nights from 9-11 server time (EST). We are also looking for people to help level the guild and casual players who just want a place to call home. Although Bleeding Hollow is a PvP server, we have no current plans to run a rated battleground group, as most of our members are not all that proficient in PvP.

Currently, we spend a lot of our time doing Guild Challenge dungeon runs and old raids for transmog and achievements. A lot of us are working on our ICC Meta Achievements for the mount, and we've given Ulduar a couple of runs, also. If there's something you want to do? Just ask! We have a small core group of friendly, casual players who are open to just about anything!

For our raid team, we are currently severely lacking in tanks, but we are accepting any class/role as nothing is set in stone.  We are also accepting any levels as many of us have an army of alts slowly working their way up through the game.

Most our activity is in the late night hours, as several of us work evening shifts and can't get on until after midnight during the week. Weekends are usually a busy time, especially Sundays. We have a 6 tab guild bank, and are slowly making our way toward being able to purchase the 7th.

If you are interested in joining us, feel free to leave a comment here, send an in game mail to myself (Selliie, the Guild Master) or Ereshkigall (one of my officers) to inquire further or get an invite. We're on every night! Come join us!

Looking foward to seeing some of you (I hope!)

Selliie of Mythos, Bleeding Hollow

guild: recruitment, realm/server: us, raid: cataclysm, leveling: alts, raid: wrath of the lich king, leveling: general, raid: classic, raid: burning crusade, raiding: 10 mans

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