Looking for a guild!

Jul 08, 2012 15:24

Hello ladies! Hopefully this post is okay. ^_^;;

I came back to WoW a few weeks ago after playing SWTOR since December, and as of right now my most active characters are Alliance-side on the Sentinels server. What this post is for is basically to ask if there are any guilds out there that you guys know of that are recruiting. My most active characters are a human Affliction warlock (lvl 23) and a baby night elf rogue (lvl 5). I've recently developed an interest in PvP and when I'm higher I'd love to do raids and endgame content.

Mostly I just need somewhere social, as most of my friends play Horde-side on other realms, or don't play at all any more. It gets lonely playing by yourself day after day.

I appreciate any leads you can give me! :D
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