Vial of the Sands - Confusion!

May 01, 2012 21:28

Hello, WoW ladies and gents!

I've been working my bottom off trying to scrape up the funds and mats in order to have someone make me Vial of the Sands. My paladin must have all the drakes ever and it would tickle me greatly to get such a fabulous mount while the expansion is still current. I finally have the truegold and flasks, and I think I have enough to pay for the vendor mats.

So! I have some questions that I can't find answers for. I hope one of you wonderful folks can help!

1) Are the vendor mats bind on pickup? Can I buy them ahead of time and then just give them to the person who'll be making my Vial of the Sands, or do I have to give my gold to the person making the Vial, like you do with the chopper because of the engineering only mats? I can't find any info via WoWhead that says one way or another.

2) What's a good amount to tip someone for making the mount? I'm Alliance on Wyrmrest Accord (US), if that helps any. I don't want to insult someone by under-tipping, but I don't want to over-pay, either.

3) Lastly... does anyone know of a trustworthy person on Wyrmrest Accord, Alliance side, who has the ability to make the Vial of the Sands that I might contact in game when I've figured out the problem of a tip/further grind out the funds for a tip? Normally, I'd just advertise in trade, but with that much gold and the valuable mats... I'm really hesitant to. I'm sinking pretty much all my gold into this drake.  ^.^;

Thanks much for any help! :)

~ Xella of WrA

general: mounts, professions: alchemy

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