Mar 30, 2012 00:19
My guild has been wiping on 25s for a while on this boss because the tanks keep dying with purple, and there isn't an obvious cause other than not enough heals. We're currently running with 2 druids, 1 holy 1 disc priest, 1 shaman, and 1 holy paladin, with two warrior tanks. We're all using our heals that don't stack, with the disc priest on tank heals for purple phases. We also switched it around with the paladin healing tanks (yes I know this is sub-optimal), but no go for either healer. The more baffling thing is we ran with the same strat for our 10m kill with the druids and the disc priest and had no problems once we got the hang of the fight. And yes, a lot of the time the tanks are blowing up the raid. Sometimes they take a DPS with them or something goes wrong, but for the most part we're not afraid of one blowup every purple phase.
Would this mean that someone tank healing isn't doing their job, or just that we need a separate healer for each tank? Or that we need to ask DPS in group to use their cooldowns? Or something else? I find it hard to believe we're having more trouble in 25s after yet another nerf. I also find it hard to believe we need to micromanage the entire raid's survival cooldowns to make this happen after doing 10s with practically no cooldowns. What did your guild do to make this happen?