When good guilds go bad

Mar 27, 2012 06:31

Seeing as all the character slots on my 'home' server are filled and MoP is still months away from being released (and it's doubtful I'll have the money to buy it when it is released), I've started finding another home on another server. I've been having a ton of fun leveling a baby spriest, but most of the fun comes from finding an amazing guild. I'd actually applied to the guild last week, when I created the priest, but was never on at the same time as the guild leader until yesterday. Got the invite, joined the guild, and was reminded of why I loved my main's first guild so much when she first joined.

The people in my new guild have been amazing: social, helpful, funny, and just plain awesome. It really reminded me of how awesome my first guild was before the assholes came. I don't mind a little innuendo in gchat, but these guys took it to a whole new level. I got so fed up with them that I left the guild that I loved so much and created my own. I miss the people that made the guild so awesome. I still have one character in that guild, mainly for certain bonuses, but I hardly ever play him because he's a druid and I just finished getting a druid to 85 and geared through the Hour of Twilight dungeons, so it'll be a while before I seriously level him.

In conclusion, all my love to the ladies at Goddess of the Horde on Nesingwary (US). You helped make leveling last night so much more fun. I've never been tempted to transfer a toon from a server, but ya'll have seriously tempted me to move my 83 DK. (won't happen for various reasons, but I was tempted!)

discussion: guild, general: girls are awesome

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