Mar 07, 2012 10:48
If anyone is interested, I am trying to start an all girl guild (similar to DotA and DotH) on the server Empress Teta (a western time zone like Borean Tundra). It will be Republic side, but maybe we could get an empire side started too in the future. I understand that some may have mains elsewhere, but I think it would be nice to have an all girl guild for people to roll alts. It won't be a very serious guild, and it will take some time to build up, but it will be a nice social guild for us to talk about the game and life :-). I have the credits to purchase, I just need the people interested in it. If you're interested I'll be on tonight around 10:00pm tonight eastern time (7:00pm western). I'll be on for awhile, so just find me. I'll be hanging around Coruscant and my toon's name is Sérënity (may need to copy and paste that). Another way to get in touch with me would be to join the chat line I created. Just type in /cjoin dotr. I have unlocked it so anyone can join. I hope I see some of you on tonight!