Arcane mage questions

Feb 23, 2012 11:55

So, I took a 6 month break in the middle of Firelands due to raid burnout and such, and now I'm back. I'm currently not raiding with my guild, but I'd like to feel confident enough to pug a few. However, I'm questioning my dps. I'm not understanding the soft haste cap. I know the concept is to not go over 1 second arcane blasts when heroism/time warp is up because that will be for nothing because of the GCD. However, I can't find a definitive number as to when it's time to stop stacking haste and go for mastery. I currently have 22.68% haste and the only number i've found is 33% as a soft cap. But at my current rate, my cast timer shows 1.4 seconds for my first cast, and then goes down to 1.2 for my 3rd, 4th, and so on. My casts are 1 second with heroism/mastery, so I figure that 33% can't be right. I have the 2 piece LFR tier bonus also. I have no idea if my 1 second casts during heroism/time warp is because of the GCD and it's actually a shorter cast time or because I'm exactly on it, if you get what I'm saying. I guess what I'm asking for is an explanation and to know if I need to lose some haste for mastery or not. My mastery is currently at 14.97. (base 8 + 6.97)

This is my armory...

Though there is a good change my armory is showing in PVP gear, so I don't know how useful it might be. I logged out in Pvp last night, but this morning I went on and logged out in my regular gear, but I don't know how often armory updates.

Edit** Armory is showing my regular gear, but it shows a 19.11 haste rating. In game, it shows haste as +22.68%. (2447 (+19.11)) I have no idea what this means lol. I'm guessing it means I'm 19.11% above haste? Anyways, I don't know which number to go off of.

Edit #2*** Is it possible to macro a trinket use to my arcane blast cast? I admit that I'm crap with macros, but I did hook of a few of my cds such as arcane power to my AB blasts because otherwise, I won't remember to watch the CD. I have the bottle of wishes trinket and because it has such a short cd, I would like to have it automatically activated as often as possible, but I don't always remember to activate it so it would be awesome to have it macroed to my regular spam button.

Edit #3*** I just realized that i can see the actual cast time from my tool tip lol. While the quartz bar says 1 second because of GCD, the tool tip tells me .9 when I pop time warp. And thats alone at the dummy without any raid buffs other than my own. I think I shall drop a little haste.


mage: gear, mage: arcane, mage: general, !tag me please, macros: general

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