Feb 09, 2012 11:02
*deletes attempts of a wanna-be-witty intro with pickle puns*
Right, I know that parts of this have already been done in here already, but I don't remember seeing one for EU servers.
I want to put a raiding group together for older content. I'm mostly looking at FL and ICC at the moment, with t11 raids close behind. I'm at the latest stage of my legendary in FL, need about a month or so to finish it, but I'd like to keep coming back and finish all of the achievements for the meta-mount as well. As for ICC, I'd love to get my grubby little paws on shadowmourne and the boe tasties that come with it (running that on my pally).
My guild and raiding group are kind of "meh" about the whole thing. We already raid 3 times a week, and they're not the most achievement hungry bunch I've met >.> I do have a couple of friends that are interested in running those things, and are, in fact, already helping me with FL, but we still need more dedicated players.
Now I'm not asking to be handed free legendaries or anything, I'm looking for people interested in doing the same thing I am. People on different stages of completing their legendary quests, people needing and wanting more achievements and shiny mounts, but with tired guilds that aren't keen on going back to those places. I'll be hitting the forums with this as well, and the trade channels, of course, but having a set core group would make this a lot more enjoyable.
We're currently running FL on friday evenings, and I don't have a day set for ICC yet. I have most of the details and whatnots figured out for this, I think, but I'd love to hear what you guys think about this idea.
ps: I think I tagged this right?
EDIT: Forgot to mention, Horde-side >.>
loot: legendary,
achievement: raids,
realm/server: eu