So, I have been in this guild basically since Cata came out. I joined the guild shortly after it was created. I am an officer, though I don't really do anything-- I think I mostly just have that rank for being around a while. I like the guild (lvl 25, very active, around 500 members). I don't really raid right now, but occasionally with do a BH with them or something old school.
I met some new friends about the same time I joined this guild, a really nice couple. They're awesome and I do stuff with them all the time. They were in their own little guild that was basically just them. Imagine my excitement when I logged on one day and they were randomly in my guild. They had no idea it was the guild I was in when they joined. They just wanted to join a good raiding guild.
So the last few months have been really fun doing stuff with them and other guildies. Nearly everything I do with guildies is with these friends as well. Well, I logged in last night and friends invited me to a group. They were going off about how our RL and GL had screwed someone over and they were planning to leave and get their own guild. Sadface. I'll come with them, right? I kind of avoided the question and figured I'd wait to see if this actually happens.
This morning I log on just to check mail and stuff before work and they have defected with a decent portion of one of our core progression teams. They are using a lvl 15 guild one of them had an alt on. They immediately want me to gquit and join. I was honest and told them I need more time to think about it. I tried to explain what I'm feeling right now-- torn between my friends and my current guild that I've been with a long time and kind of have sentimental attachment to. Plus, I have never had a problem with the GL and didn't even know the details of what really happened that upset people. One friend got angry after a few minutes of trying to persuade me and basically told me "fine, stay then" and then stopped talking to me (he did not block me or remove me from RealID or anything). I messaged the other person of the couple and told her I was sorry I made other friend angry but I just need time to think about it. She was very nice and understanding but said they really hope I'll come with them, that they really want me there. And she pointed out as he had also done that I pretty much do everything with them anyway.
It's true, most of the people I am actually friends with in my guild have pretty much all gone with these people. But there are a handful still remaining (I do not know who has been invited or might still leave). I guess part of me is also apprehensive that this is not going to turn out like they're hoping. That raid teams will fall apart and then I'll be even less likely to get a chance to raid (I have currently been gearing up to do so-- with help from the two friends who left). I will also be leaving an officer rank in a lvl 25 guild with which I am exalted to start fresh in a lvl 15 guild with 50 members and I'll only have neutral rep. I'm not excited about either of those grinds again, but I know it can be done.
So, I'm just totally torn on what to do. I got home from work today wanting to log on to do stuff, but I am finding myself not doing so because I feel like I'm going to be pressured for a decision. And I'm pretty sure if I don't go with my friends' guild (and relatively soon), it's going to have permanent repercussions in regards to the friendship and I may end up mostly doing stuff alone again. D:
And I know people are going to say that if someone lets something like that affect our friendship, then they're not a real friend, etc. But I really like these friends and don't want things to change. :( And I think I just truly hurt this person's feelings a lot just by suggesting I might not leave.