Our guild decided to do something different for our recruitment. We made a video :D
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First a little background on the video so you can play our game with us. My fellow GL is my boyfriend and he always grumbles when I make him come to guild screen shot events. We do a monthly guild meeting where we take screen shots and hang out. From the very first screen shot he has been hiding on his hunter in every one. Sometimes right under your nose and sometimes just off in the distance. We have started calling it "Where is Celtiange". Well feel free to play it here. He is in every shot sometimes obvious but most of the time harder to find. No more hints than that.
Edited to add: You can play "Where is Celtiange?" on our guild site link below. Just click on the About Us on the top navigation bar.
So besides the info above:
We are a level 25 guild that has been going strong for over a year now. We are a family friendly guild so guild chat is required to be PG13. We do everything from PvP, Progression Raiding (week nights 8:30pm server which is CST), arena groups, old world runs, etc. Basically whatever people are interested in doing.
We will also be starting a second progression raid group and so we are looking for raiders as well. Our raid groups are for people who want to casual raid with others who know what they are doing. We prefer set groups with people who are willing to make it to most raids. Many of us never miss one. It would be two nights a week (or weekend) and we take one week off a month for breaks to do social events. It helps prevent burn out. The time will be determined by the availability of the majority who sign up.
The only requirement to join us is minimum level 20. Our primary focus as a guild is friendship and enjoying the game.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/guild/kirin-tor/Blessed%20of%20Elune/You can see our site here:
http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=275622&TabID=2313397Send me a message if you are interested in joining us :).