Enhancement Shamans

Dec 30, 2011 15:15

So a while back I decided to start playing with a friend so I since switched to Horde (which btw now that I have people to play with I love). I originally started a hunter but I started getting a bit bored with her (happens all the time for me, it's hard to stick to one class for me) so I started an Elemental Shaman which I loved minus all the downtime due to mana and having trouble keeping up with it. Not only that but I prefer melee classes.

The only reason I started an elemental was because I've heard that enhancement isn't that good, but I recently unlearned my talents and switched to enhancement and I actually like it more than elemental so far. I'm only at 33 on her but still.

Now the thing is, I don't see very many 85 enhancement shamans, mainly just resto and ele. Do they really suck or do people just not like playing them? As far as when I start doing raids later down the road will it be hard to find raid groups or like are they the least picked DPS class/spec because in trade chat I almost never see anyone looking for an enhancement shaman. Actually I don't think I ever have.

I just don't want to play a spec that no one really wants around if that makes sense but I actually really love enhancement.

Also one last question I probably shouldn't worry too much about totems in enhancement as much as elemental right? Lately I've only been throwing down searing totem for when there's more than 1 or 2 mobs and when we/I get to boss I throw 4 down.

I hope this all made sense, sorry if it didn't lol.

shaman: general, shaman: enhancement

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